Yeah, this lottery curse is unbearable.

Divya: I'm engaged.
Jill: I didn't say anything.
Divya: I just crashed.

Divya: Have fun with your Cabernet.
Jill: I will. Have fun with your hot documentarian.

To be safe, I'll drive.


Hank: Hey I wanted to talk to you about Emily.
Jill: Do you really want to talk about it or do you feel obligated? Because you're not. We're cool.

Can you believe that we have two weddings this weekend? That would be like a Katherine Heigl movie come to life.


(Referring to Evan) Hunting? You should really stick to gathering.


Divya: What is that? POE?
Hank: Property of Evan -
Jill: No, I was thinking someone else.

No - he is not laughing at you - he's laughing with you.


Does it hurt?


You know I always say, the early bird catches the worm. And after we catch the worm, we can shoot it.


I try to kill something every day - even if it's just killing a bug.


Royal Pains Season 2 Quotes

I'm not going home, he's coming back guaranteed.


Should I grab a copy of US Weekly and have a seat in the waiting room?
