We're not just co-workers, we're family.


Rosewood: I have some news there's gonna be a change here.
TMI: What change?
Pippy: Hey y'all!

Carl: You don' think this was an accident?
Rosewood: Accidents don't cause handprints.

Wait, you didn't tell her about the whole demotion thing?


Oliver: He was more than a teacher to me.
Rosewood: Like a big brother.
Oliver: More like a dad.

I'll always be crazy about you. But T, you gotta let me go so that I can find my way back.


Rosewood: Eddie was trying to protect you.
Agent: And he died doing the right thing.

I'm fine, it's just a graze. Just make sure that bastard stays alive.


All right you little bitch, you got two minutes to start talking.


I know you're trying to protect me Rosie, but we're in this together.


It's time I get to start knowing who he really was.


Villa: Rosie, thank you, for doing this. I know your plate is...
Rosewood: Empty, for you.

Rosewood Season 2 Quotes

Villa: You want to tell me what happened?
Hornstock: Not really. You want to tell me what happened with you and Rosie?
Villa: Not really.

Rosewood: See how big this smile is you put on my face?
Pippy: You're always smiling.
Rosewood: Yeah, but this one's huge.