Pippy: You guys have been keeping this from me?
TMI: You exactly wasn't around.

Hornstock: I need to tell you something.
Sophie: You're not Captain anymore?
Hornstock: You knew?
Sophie: I kind of figured it out.

My dad believed I would do great things. I guess I'll have to prove him right.


I don't want to be a glorified lifeguard anymore.


Can I ask you a personal question? Are you and this doctor more than partners?


Gerald: I need you to move on.
Donna: Gerald, I need you to believe in yourself as much as I do.

Yo ho. Yo ho, a pathologist life for me.


Rosewood: X marks the spot.
Villa: Oh, you just had to say it.
Rosewood: Oh! I had to say it.

I know how I feel, I just don't know about her.

Villa: We just hot to find a soft spot.
Rosewood: You're looking at a man hardened by the sea. He's a real treasure hunter.

Rosewood: Everyone loves a good treasure hunt. Pirates...
Villa: Don't say booties.
Rosewood: What's wrong with booties?

Rosewood: So was he drowned or strangled?
Pippy, TMI, and Mitchie: Both!

Rosewood Season 2 Quotes

Villa: You want to tell me what happened?
Hornstock: Not really. You want to tell me what happened with you and Rosie?
Villa: Not really.

Rosewood: See how big this smile is you put on my face?
Pippy: You're always smiling.
Rosewood: Yeah, but this one's huge.