Jughead: Oh geez, I know where this is going…
Archie: The best counterattack is not to fight fire with fire, but to fight fire with a fire department!

It’s Doris Bell. You told me to keep you apprised of going’s on at the school. Well, there’s something I think you should know.

Ms. Bell

Veronica: As fun as the last few days have been, I still think we need a break.
Chad: Because of Archie?
Veronica: No, Chad, because of me.

Reggie, a high school offers hope and people are sentimental about Riverdale High, for reasons that allude me. And as long as it remains open, there’s a chance the town will grow back around it. Like a weed. And that is bad for our business.


Fangs: You know after all these years, it’s still kind of adorable to witness your back-to-school jitters.
Kevin: Well, I’d be there already if I wasn’t waiting on our house diva. Can you tell Queen T my truck is leaving without her?
[The door opens]
Toni: This outfit is a masterpiece that can’t be rushed, as we all know. And we’re taking my motorcycle.

Jughead: I saw you're looking for a new waiter. I’m definitely interested.
Tabitha: Thanks, but this definitely isn’t the right job for you.
Jughead: You don’t even know me.
Tabitha: Also, you can’t just sit here all day using my internet. You have to actually order food, not just coffee, and then you have to pay for said food. My grandfather did things his way and I do them mine. And the first rule of MY diner is no running tabs.

Archie: Betty, what just happened?
Betty: [Laughs] I don’t know. Something we’ve been wanting to do since high school but never got around to do.
Archie: Sounds about right.

Betty: You know, it used to be Kevin and I would sneak a peek through that window hoping you were shirtless. And now you’re spying on…
Archie: Ghoulies.

Toni: Okay, I’ll help. I’ll give you some advice: watch your back, Jones. You’ve made a lot of enemies in this town.

Veronica: It’s 2021, Chad. Haven’t you heard? Women can have it all now.
Chad: I don’t want you to be unduly stressed.
Veronica: I’m not stressed. Actually, I miss being on the trading floor with you. I miss all that adrenaline, the highs of a filthy huge sale, talking smack with the guys. They called me, “The She-Wolf of Wall Street.”

Toni: The town’s entire funding has been completely stripped by…
Archie: Hiram Lodge.
Toni: Bingo! And not only is the fire department gone, but the sheriff’s office is down to one man: Kevin’s Dad.
Archie: I don’t understand. What are people doing?!
Toni: Fending for themselves. The town’s lawless now, Archie.

I’m small town to big city. My killer instinct always gets me what I want.


Riverdale Season 5 Quotes

Why does every one of our dances turn into a Jamie Lee Curtis movie?!


Veronica: Early morning run, Archiekins?
Archie: I’ve got my physical for the naval academy this week.
Veronica: Well, I find it hard to believe they wouldn’t be impressed by my teenaged Thor.