Nice try, you simpletons! But, you’ll be shocked to learn the contract you have is totally devoid of meaning. I had Nana Rose declared legally senile half a decade ago. She has no power to do anything. Now, it’s time for you to accept the fact that you will NEVER get my precious groves. Tootles!


Hiram: Your loyalty lies with me and Stonewall.
Reggie: Yeah, but I’m not gonna break some kid’s legs for no reason.
Hiram: Yeah? Consider yourself benched, Reggie. I’ll be leading the Stallions into battle against Riverdale High.
Reggie: So be it. I’ll be standing with the Bulldogs then.

Betty: No one looked out for those girls. No one was protecting them. I couldn’t even protect Polly!
[Betty reloads her gun]
Betty: But, I can deliver justice.

Cassandra: We lost … again. We totally could’ve been practicing for regionals instead of wasting our time here.
Cheryl: I couldn’t agree more, Cassandra. Could not. Agree. More.

Veronica: Well, I do believe Coach Andrews is the best motivator a gridiron gang can ask for. As your defacto team owner, what can I do to incentivize you? How about ten grand for whichever Bulldog scores first this season?
Team: Yeah! [Cheering and excitement]

Veronica: Katy Keene! How are you, girl?
Katy: Oh my god, girl! I am reeling! So, I’m having lunch with Francois in the Lacey’s café and who strolls in with the heiress to the Spiffany’s fortune… Chad! Your Chad! V, what the hell is going on with you two?!
Veronica: Well, clearly, he’s trying to make me jealous.
Katy: Totally, which means I’m about to pour hot coffee into his lap.
Veronica: And I, Katy Keene, will be fighting fire with fire.

Ms. Marble: As an outsider, it seems to me that fate has put an obstacle before you, Ms. Blossom. This Toni’s personal happiness. You must either rise above it or…
Cheryl: Throw a little chaos at it.

Archie: So, what do you want to have done to your apartment?
Veronica: One word: demolition. I want it all torn out, right to the studs.
Archie: That’s a big job, but yeah, I think my buddy Eric would be up to help out. What’s your timeline?
Veronica: I want it done yesterday.

A lot can happen in seven years. But in Riverdale, the more things change, the more they stay exactly the same.


Betty: Twenty-one girls. They can’t all be runways.
Toni: Well, what do you think? Human-trafficking?
Betty: Or a serial killer.

Archie: So, I’m looking for a few good men.
Kevin: Story of my life!

Toni: Well, well, well. If it isn’t Ms. Winchester herself! You’ve come for another surprise visit, Cheryl?
Cheryl: Thank you for taking care of the River Vixens whilst I was self-isolating, but as Elton John likes to say, “The bitch is back in town!” and this squad is my birthright.

Riverdale Season 5 Quotes

Why does every one of our dances turn into a Jamie Lee Curtis movie?!


Veronica: Early morning run, Archiekins?
Archie: I’ve got my physical for the naval academy this week.
Veronica: Well, I find it hard to believe they wouldn’t be impressed by my teenaged Thor.