Jett: What do they want?
Xander: If I were to guess, I'd say they want to kill us, harvest our organs, sell them on the black market.
Jett: Sorry I asked.
Xander: You're the one that wanted to be here.

Shral: How much do you remember about the Sumi Empire?
Jax: Just what I learned in Pevney's class. Big. Warlike.Very grrrr...
Shral: I'm not sure 'grrrr' was the actual adjective Ellison used to describe them but I suppose big, warlike, and grrrr does seems to do them justice.

Xander: 777 credits. Lucky us. That exact fare buys passage to only one place in the galaxy.
Jett: Las Venus.

Ralen: I would never have left if you hadn't convinced me to. It just felt so good.
Jett: Most things that are really, really bad for you do. Take it from someone who knows.

Jax: Guess we're not going to die after all.
Shral: Yet.

We've all experienced loss, Ralen. It becomes a part of us. Never leaves. Reminds us of who and what we've lost. You can visit. Just can't live there.


Perhaps I specialize in first contact because no one invites me anywhere a second time.


Xander: I remember that when we were sure that we would die, when we had lost all hope, you stood fast. You didn't flinch in the face of insurmountable odds.
Shral: The state of my knees made running away out of the question.

Misdirection is often the most effective tool in war.

Harlan Fried

We all have our share of tragedy.


Xander: I always seem to hurt you. Even when I try not to.
Jax: There's plenty of hurt to go around.

I need to speak to The Ancients. They may understand the path but they certainly do not understand the obstacles.


Pandora Season 2 Quotes

Ah, Jax. Once again, you appear with the tedious inevitability of an unloved relative.


Tierney: You're not the trusting type, are you?
The Courier: Would you be?
Tierney: Touché