Gorch: Name's Gorch. You already met my daughter, Rachel.
Greg: Not formally.
Gorch: She held a gun on you, boy. Around here, you're practically engaged.

Jett: My god, I hate flying!
Greg: You're gonna hate crashing even more!

Aleka: We can accept the worlds as they are. Or we can try and change them.
Jax: To what we hope they can be.

Once I am married, I will never show my back to anyone again. Lest they plant a knife in it.


Y'know, doctors take this oath. Do no harm. We never really think that it applies to ourselves. We spend our entire lives looking at other people's wounds just so we don't have to look at our own.


Jax: Do you have this intel for me or what?
Aleka: All business. Why not have a moment to enjoy the night before my wedding with a beautiful girl who doesn't want to kill me first?
Jax: The night is young.

Jax: Have you come to try and kill me?
Aleka: Honesty. Wonderful. No, I'm not here to try and kill you. You showed me your back earlier. If you were a second wife, you'd be dead by now.
Jax; I'm no one's wife and, if I was, I'd be the only.
Aleka: You would never live that long.

Shral: Allow me to make formal introductions. Princess Aleka... please meet one of my finest students, Cadet Jax Joe.
Zazie: Hi, I'm Zazie, Jax's friend and one of Shral's less finer students.

In case you had not noticed, life is cheap here.


Greg: Lieutenant's the current champion. Hasn't lost a match yet.
Jett: He's like a sexy grizzly bear.

I am not some cadet under your command. This may be hard for you to accept but, for once, this isn't about you, soldier boy.


Jett: Heard you were dead.
Greg: Heard you were expelled.

Pandora Season 2 Quotes

Ah, Jax. Once again, you appear with the tedious inevitability of an unloved relative.


Tierney: You're not the trusting type, are you?
The Courier: Would you be?
Tierney: Touché