I thought we were chosen because Julian has no guy friends.


Haley: Why are you dancing like that Brooke?
Brooke: Because this dance is what made an amazing man fall in love with me!

Haley: But sweety, you know this isn't a competition right?
Jamie: Okay good. Just remember that when they like my speech more.

Guess this is my lucky day.


It wasn't really about the girl. It was the idea of someone out there for me. So I kept this other half bumper car token ever since as a reminder that somewhere out there, if I'm lucky, is my other half.


Julian: Why would your rabbit have an emotional response to our wedding?
Jamie: Well, he's always had a thing for Brooke.

I have heard a lot of best man speeches in my life, and yours was by far the sweetest, most honest, and the most memorable.


Brooke: This year has been the hardest of my life, and you know who's always been here for me? No matter what? My maid of honor.
Haley: Me?

Brooke: You did all this for me?
Sylvia: I did this for the girl my son loves.

Sylvia: Haven't you ever forgiven someone for a kiss?
Brooke: Well, I forgave Lucas for kissing Peyton, but I never forgot.
Sylvia: Has everyone dated this Lucas character?

Hey where's that other chick that I nailed? I want to apologize to her for the black eye.

Dave Navarro

What are you doing here, Dave Navarro?


One Tree Hill Season 8 Quotes

This happens all the time. I sleep with a girl and then the next morning she's already planning the wedding.

Julian (to Brooke)

Haley: These aren't sad tears, they're happy tears.
Nathan: Alright, well how about from now on we do smiles for happy instead?