I came to ask Haley, not you. Why talk to the greasy rag when you can talk to the mechanic?

Alex (to Mia)

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son.


Brooke: Was I sleep fighting again?
Julian: Yes! No more Kick Ass for my wife before bed.

Brooke before I met you I thought my world had everything I needed to be happy.I had nothing else to compare to. Then you walked into my life and everything changed. I realized how empty my world was without you in it, and my old life was no longer capable of making me happy, not without you. I love everything about you Brooke, I love the way you challenge me like no one ever has, I love the way you look at me like no one ever has, and I love the way you love me like no one ever has. I cant imagine spending my life without you, and if you say yes to me in a few minutes I wont have to......You look beautiful by the way!


Jamie: I'm gonna have a little sister?
Haley: Is that okay?
Jamie: Yeah. I hope she's just like you, Mom

I have heard a lot of best man speeches in my life and yours was by far the sweetest, most honest, and the most memorable. I have never been so proud of you.


Priest: If anyone can show just cause why this couple should not be joined together, speak now...
Skills: Don't nobody say nothing!

Jamie: Brooke looks like an angel.
Julian: That's why I'm not nervous.

I found my other half.


We're going to the church. We're going to the church where I'm getting married. Haley, I'm getting married.


You know a few years back there was a wedding here in Tree Hill...bride wasn't who she said she was. A lot of good people got hurt that day.


Honestly I'm really terrible at keeping secrets. This one time my friend Kimmy told me she hooked up with two people at the same party, and I promised I wouldn't say a word, but then I told like four people within an hour and one of them was actually Kimmy.


One Tree Hill Season 8 Quotes

This happens all the time. I sleep with a girl and then the next morning she's already planning the wedding.

Julian (to Brooke)

Haley: These aren't sad tears, they're happy tears.
Nathan: Alright, well how about from now on we do smiles for happy instead?