Velaaco: Why didn't you call the cops?
Cab driver: In my country, the cops are worse than the criminals, and from what I see, it isn't any different here.

Sykes: Did you save any of her stuff?
Woman: Her underwear.
Sykes: You might not know her very well, but you helped her more than you know

Sykes: Brass rubber stamped the move.
Benson: Are you a Fed or a splinter?
Sykes: A bit of both.

This is all starting to make sense. I didn't take Maddie. You lost her. That's gotta hurt.


Fin: You're gonna ask me to drive you to the airport, aren't you?
Benson:At this point, I'm not asking for permission.

Benson: Guys, look closely. This could be Maddie.
Fin: Liv -
Benson: I have been staring at her face for over a month. I have been studying this child's face. Trust me.

Fin: Curry's IAB. Aren't you a Captain?
Curry: I'm not interested in pulling rank. Benson didn't tell you I was joining here? I'd like to be friends.
Fin: I don't talk to IAB. But I will eat one of your donuts out of protest.

Fin: Bruno! Since when do you make donuts?
Bruno: I didn't.
Curry: I made them.

Fin: You sorry you took this case yet?
Benson: No. I'm not.

Benson: Mrs. McGrath made it very clear that Shea won't be testifying.
Carisi: I make a habit of not jumping off bridges I haven't crossed yet.

Carisi: He's a suspect in a rape case and he had a camera? How did he not tell us this?
Bruno: Until the age of 25, the male prefrontal cortex is as useful as an electrified meatball.

Benson: Not exactly a confession.
Curry: No, but their Venn diagram is lookin' more and more like a sliced lemon.

Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
