Carisi: This is a tragic story, but your client still murdered three people. I can talk to the DA, but Tori, you're going away for a long time.
Tori: What's gonna happen to Nina now that there's no one to protect her?

Fin: Adds up to about half a guy.
Cop: Are you sure this is even your guy?
Benson: There's a strong probability.

Lisa: I get squeamish at the sight of blood. I couldn't cut up a body.
Curry: Could have hired someone.
Lisa: I'm a substitute teacher. I can't afford a car, never mind hiring a hitman.

Benson: What about the ex-wife?
Fin: I don't think she's gonna be too heartbroken.
Benson: I just want to make sure she's not a suspect before I console her.

Benson: You found him dismembered on plastic sheeting?
Fin: Cut up like a puppet.

Lisa: I told you, my ex and I are getting divorced and he wants 50/50 custody.
Fin: And you want us to arrest your ex because...
Lisa: He's a pervert.

Curry: What about you, Benson? Did you expect to be at SVU all this time?
Benson: 25 years? No.
Curry: But you must have had a plan.
Benson: Actually, I think this job had a plan for me.

Look, I was a young man once too and I played my share of stupid games. But the question for you, Frederick, is what kind of man you want to grow up to be. You might want to spend less time with machines and more with people.


Nikol: Have you arrested the guy who raped me?
Benson: Not yet, but we will, with your help.

Dusty: You gonna question my girlfriend?
Bruno: We tried, but she doesn't speak English.

Dusty: If something happened, I didn't even go out with those guys.
Bruno: Who says something happened?
Dusty: You're NYPD. It's a logical conclusion.

Sykes: Some guys like to hunt in packs.
Curry: She's a woman, not a wounded gazelle.