Louis: She's grown very protective of me. That's what this is. It's why it's hard.
Lestat: She came back altered when she left us. There's a darkness in her that wasn't there before.
Louis: Give her a little time.

Molloy: You took Lestat back.
Louis: The vampire bond. There is no human equivalent.
Molloy: Lover. Murderer. Maker. You took him back.
Louis: It's a bond that can never fully be severed.

You wanted her! You fix her!

Lestat [to Louis]

You're not my Louis. You can't be.


Claudia: You got a name?
Bruce: Parents named me Bruce.
Claudia: Bruce? You don't kill like a Bruce.
Bruce: What do I kill like?
Claudia: You kill like a, like a killer.

Louis: She'll be back.
Lestat: No, she won't.

Once you put it out there, they decide what it is. It can get away from you.

Molloy [to Louis]

Louis: I had no words for her. What words were there? It all happened so fast. I was trying to save you. All vampires are born out of drama. We made her out of remorse. Out of selfishness.
Molloy: Poor, dear. She wasn't held enough in between ritualistic murders.

Who am I supposed to love? You two have each other. Who's my Lestat? Who's my Louis? Not humans. What human would want me?


You are chronicling a suicide. Do not look down on Claudia. Look in the mirror.

Rashid [to Molloy]

Claudia: Uncle Les got secrets.
Louis: How you figure?
Claudia: He don't give good answers to questions. And he sits on the truth like it's his chair or something. I thought we weren't supposed to keep secrets.

Remember this. His face as it melts. This is why we never get close to mortals because sooner or later, they end up dead.

Lestat [to Claudia]

Interview with the Vampire Quotes

Lestat: I had plans to make a new life for myself in St. Louis. That was to be my destiny. And now I know I was right, only it turns out the saint is not a city but a handsome man with the most agreeable disposition.
Lily: You're his destiny, Louis.
Lestat: Destined to be very good friends.

Louis: You've grown old, Daniel.
Daniel: Yeah, well, mortality beats a heavy drum.