Louis: An ancient doesn't need the blood as often as the young do.
Daniel: Intriguing. And disregarding.

Louis: My love ran a theater company for 150 years, Daniel.
Daniel: Your love was in a box, pondering a premeditated neck wound. According to Claudia. She wrote it. Let's choose to believe it.
Armand: Unworthy in San Francisco. Unworthy in Dubai. Disregard.

Louis: What the hell is that?
Claudia: It's a vampire.
Louis: No, I'm a vampire. That's a fucking catfish with teeth. It's dirty. Doesn't like us.

Daniel Molloy, I would like you to meet the vampire Armand, the love of my life.


I have loved you with all myself.

Lestat [to Louis]

Lestat: A last dance before the feast.
Louis: I’d like that. I’d like that very much.

Louis: Do you know the secret to immortality?
Anderson: Never get married.
Louis: That’s a good joke. But now that you have your boat, don’t you want more?

Claudia: Bach. Always back to Bach.
Lestat: Bach is beyond you.
Claudia: Yes, the music of a master racist is not made for these mongrel ears.
Lestat: You irritate me. Your very presence irritates me.

Lestat: Louis, I don't know what possessed me that night.
Claudia: Three years ago. That night three years ago, he means.
Lestat: I was someone I don't want to be anymore. I've changed.

Louis: Write me a song, put your lover's voice on it. What the fuck is wrong with your head?
Lestat: Louis, you're soaking wet.
Louis: I swim faster than I drive.

Hey, sis. You don't need me. You think you do. But you don't. You're smarter now. You see trouble coming a mile away.

Louis [to Claudia]

Louis: You're ugly when you act like that.
Claudia: Better ugly than blind.

Interview with the Vampire Quotes

Lestat: I had plans to make a new life for myself in St. Louis. That was to be my destiny. And now I know I was right, only it turns out the saint is not a city but a handsome man with the most agreeable disposition.
Lily: You're his destiny, Louis.
Lestat: Destined to be very good friends.

Louis: You've grown old, Daniel.
Daniel: Yeah, well, mortality beats a heavy drum.