Spoon: We're your friends. We wouldn't think that about you.
Ema: Well, obviously, I'm not so great at being the whole friends thing.
Mickey: Except you kinda are.

Rachel: You have a hero complex, Mickey. And it's kind of dangerous. I don't know if it's your place or mine to get involved.
Mickey: You know I can't walk away.

Whitney: I liked you before I knew who your mom was. And I like you just as much now.
Ema: Thanks, Whitney.
Whitney: I liked you for a while, actually.
Ema: Seriously?
Whitney: Ever since you moved here, I was like, that girl.

Mickey: I don't want to even go see his grave. I haven't visited since we buried him. I'm too scared to.
Spoon: Well then, I'll go with you.
Mickey: No, it's fine.
Spoon: Look, Micholas, you can lean on me. You have people.
Mickey: Thanks, Spoon.

He left me alone with no fucking answers, and right now I don't feel like I know who the fuck he was.


Mickey: So you both think I'm crazy.
Both: No.
Ema: That's not what we're saying at all.
Mickey: It sure sounds like it.
Ema: Yeah, we're the bad guys, Mickey, not the Bat Lady who thinks she's Terminator Anne Frank. She's done nothing but fuck with you.

Whitney: You bitch, you can sing, too?
Ema: I was just trying to help.
Whitney: Shut the fuck up and never stop singing.

Ema, I love you, okay? I would kill for you, and I would fucking die for you.


What the actual fuck is going on?


It's time to talk about Ashley.


Bat Lady: Goodbye, Ken Taylor. What? You've lived in this town your whole life. Of course, I know you. Haven't changed much, have you?
Ken: Sorry to have bothered you, ma'am.

Listen to me; I'm going to let this one pass because once we were friends. We were friends. But fuck with me again, and I'll put you in the ground too.

Bat Lady

Harlan Coben's Shelter Season 1 Quotes

Bat Lady: There he is.
Mickey: What?
Bat Lady: Look at you. You've grown a lot, Mickey.
Mickey: How do you know my name?
Bat Lady: Listen to me carefully. Your father, your father, is not dead.
Mickey: What?
Bat Lady: He's very much alive, believe me.

Nothing stays constant, Mickey. It's like I always told you, you can't get a hit if you never swing the bat.
