Ema: The old fuck nearly got Mickey killed.
Spoon: I'm not even going to call out your ageism, eff that, B.

You're the only one I ever loved.

Hannah [to Shira]

Mickey: Why don't you tell anyone you're still alive?
Dylan/Sunglasses Man: Because it doesn't matter anymore.
Mickey: It matters to Mrs. Friedman.

Mickey: I have to ask a favor. I want to exhume my dad's body.
Shira: What? Why would you want to do that?
Mickey: For closure.
Shira: Digging up a grave is a pretty extreme way of finding closure.

I really want to be worthy of you.


Ema: I feel really stupid. I don't know why I trusted her.
Spoon: Ema, I'm actually really proud of you.
Ema: Why?
Spoon: Well, I didn't know you too well before this, but what happened feels like something the old Ema wouldn't have done, taking a risk and putting yourself out there.

I never want to talk to you again. I never want to see you again. Stay the fuck away from me.


I've been a shit husband. Tell me how to make it right.


I think you're about to run away again so I'm going to say now what I didn't get to say 25 years ago. I fucking love you! I love everything about you, I always have, and this is what I want for the rest of my life. Do you want the same?


Mickey: Sup, Mayweather.
Spoon: Oh, you heard about that? I guess you can say I gave Buck a spoonful.

Mickey: I don't want to even go see his grave. I haven't visited since we buried him. I'm too scared to.
Spoon: Well then, I'll go with you.
Mickey: No, it's fine.
Spoon: Look, Micholas, you can lean on me. You have people.
Mickey: Thanks, Spoon.

He left me alone with no fucking answers, and right now I don't feel like I know who the fuck he was.


Harlan Coben's Shelter Season 1 Quotes

Bat Lady: There he is.
Mickey: What?
Bat Lady: Look at you. You've grown a lot, Mickey.
Mickey: How do you know my name?
Bat Lady: Listen to me carefully. Your father, your father, is not dead.
Mickey: What?
Bat Lady: He's very much alive, believe me.

Nothing stays constant, Mickey. It's like I always told you, you can't get a hit if you never swing the bat.
