This isn't real, is it? I'm just gonna keep my eyes close because this is like that moment in the morning when you first wake up and you're still half asleep and everything seems... things are possible, dreams feel true and for that one moment between waking and sleeping anything can be real, and then you open your eyes and the sun hits you and then you realize that... I'm just gonna keep my eyes closed.


We're losing him.


Come on Stevens.


Richard: What happened?
Bailey: Is it her brain?
Cristina: No, it's hypokalemia.
Alex: We couldn't control the eurythmias.
Cristina: Her pressures dropping off a cliff.
Alex: Get me an intubation tray.
Cristina: Alex. She signed a DNR.
Alex: Shut up Yang!
Cristina: She knew this might happen, that's why she signed it.
Alex: I don't give a crap what she signed.
Cristina: Alex, it's not what she wants.
Alex: (Izzie flatlines) Get a crash cart! (he starts CPR)
Bailey: Karev, if she doesn't...
Alex: Look at her, get a crash cart!
Richard: Oh, screw the DNR. Hand me those paddles.
Bailey: Yang, take over compressions to her back
Cristina: I got it, I got it.
Richard: 1, 2, 3. (they turn her over) Hand down. Ok. Hand down. Charge to 300.

Owen: We have you O'Malley. You hear me. We have you. We'll fix this. Just stay with us!
Derek: O'Malley. It's Shepherd. You're not going anywhere, you understand me!
Meredith: BP's dropping.
Derek: Alright, lets put him out now!

Alex: Izzie look at me. Open your eyes!
Cristina: Page Shepherd. Page the Chief, and Bailey right now!

(running through the hallway) It's George! It's George! It's George! John Doe is GEORGE!


Cristina: Way to go dipwad, telling your wife you're figuring out how to off her.
Alex: Oh, mind your own bus... Wait... how did you know that?
Cristina: (holding back tears) She told me.
Alex: (walks into Izzie's room) You remember?
Izzie: Pillow or morphine. I got the whole thing.
Alex: Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean that.
Izzie: Of course you didn't. You love me too much to shoot me up with morphine, even if you asked me to. And my stupid corked brain is coming back.
Alex: (hugging her tightly) Oh my god, I was so scared. I mean I would have loved you no matter what. You're back. You're back. (Izzie goes limp) Izz? (her heart starts to fail) Iz? Izzie? YANG!

Derek: How's his ICP?
Owen: Worse than what I was expecting. I thought you were getting married?
Derek: We did. (MerDer smile at each other)
Owen: Oh, congratulations. Are you sure you wanna start your honey moon in an OR?
Meredith: We're sure. (Der smiles and nods, looks at Mer and walks out) You can't be in here. I'll come and get you in the waiting room.
Amanda: Hold his hand until you put him under. It really does make him feel better.
Meredith: Ok. (amanda leaves) You made a good friend there. I guess that happens when you take a bus for somebody. Ok, I know this is scary. But, you do have a great team up there. You wanna try to write again? Can you hold the pen? (he starts writing on Mer's hand) 0...0...7. Double 0... 7. (he grabs Mer's hand, Mer realizes it's George) OH GOD! OH GOD!

Callie: Oh, I'm sorry. I was just looking for Bailey. It's after 6.
Bailey: Yes, she scheduled an intervention so that we could give O'Malley a piece of our minds about this idiotic army business. Did he leave already?
Richard: He never scrubbed in. He told me he was enlisting. I sent him home, and told him to spend the day with his Mom since he was leaving so soon. He took off this morning.

Cristina: (walks up to owen and kisses him) Yes. Yes! I've gotta go, I've gotta find Alex.
Owen: Go. Go.

Cristina: Gotta do an EKG.
Izzie: What, I don't even get any small talk?
Cristina: What's your problem?
Izzie: Well, I'll tell you. I know I'm supposed to be grateful for my "new lease on life". Alex marched in here and basically told me that being married to me was the worst thing that ever happened to him. Yeah, and that he was trying to decide whether smothering me with a pillow was the best way of putting us both out of our misery.
Cristina: (looks around) Ok, where is it?
Izzie: Where's what?
Cristina: Where's the note that says that. Did you write that down.
Izzie: No. No!

Grey's Anatomy Season 5 Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Arizona: Maybe we're bouncier in ped's, than in general surgery. But I thought there would be a yay! Or some jumping around. 'Cause you look pretty dower for someone whose about to start a highly prized fellowship. You are about to start a highly prized fellowship right?
Callie: Hey, I've got a plan to stop George, you in?
Arizona: Stop George from what?
Bailey: Ah, he joined the army. Yes. I'm in.
Arizona: Bailey, I'm talking to you! Why are you trying to stop him?
Callie: Because he joined the army.
Arizona: And?
Callie: And, because he's my ex husband, and I know his mom and I love his mom. And, normally Izzie would talk sense into him but, she's got cancer, and kind of a bad mental deficit. So, it's on me to stop him.
Arizona: Why would you wanna stop him?
Callie: Because he joined the army. Don't you think that's a problem?
Arizona: I think that's awesome.
Callie: Awesome?