I keep hearing you tell me to trust my gut, too, so I think you want me to get you the surgery. Just don't die on me, please.


Kelly: It's just a simple algorithm.
Alice: Simple and algorithm don't go together.

Mariana: Hi.
Evan: Who are you?
Mariana: I'm Mariana.
Evan: Do I know you?

Mariana: Nobody really knows what we went through but us.
Joaquin: I'm always here to talk if you need to talk.

You're my sister; I love you. You're all that I have. Please, don't go back to that farm. Please let me get you help.


Joaquin: Silas, hey. If you ever come near my sister again, I'll kill you.
Silas: A death threat in a police station? That's a bold move. Let me give you a word of advice, stay off my farm and away from girls, and tell Jenna she's always welcome to come home.

Mariana: Why can't you tell me what you want?
Conscience Evan: Because I'm in your head. Trust your moms. They'd know what to do.

I'm so angry with Evan for putting her in this position in the first place.


Evan: I'm so afraid to fail you again.
Evan Conscience: Then don't.

I guess the question is, what are you most passionate about? Now that you're stronger? Is Broadway still your dream? You are so talented; if there is any part of you wondering "what if," then I'd say, don't put off your dream until tomorrow. Be brave and go for it.


Mariana: When you were in the corporate world, did you ever have to fire anyone? Like 25 anyone.
Dennis: Layoffs.
Mariana: Yeah.
Dennis: Not personally, but I did see it happen. The problem with layoffs is that they always hurt low-level people the most when the upper levels make the big money whether they do their jobs or not. You know?
Mariana; Yeah, I do know.

Dom: What's the deal between you and my coworker?
Malika: Angelica.
Dom: I didn't realize you were into ladies.
Malika: Neither did I.

Good Trouble Quotes

Callie: Why did you call me?
Kathleen: I want you to be my lawyer.

Wilson: Can I ask a favor?
Callie: Of course.
Wilson: I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell the others about my son -- that he's not studying abroad.
Callie: Actually, that night, I did mention that I had seen him. That's all I told them.