Malika: I've been thinking, what if I agreed to be monogamous while we see where this is going? We haven't dated long. I'm not opposed to monogamy if this is a forever thing.
Angelica: Wow, I didn't expect that.
Malika: I've been trying, but I don't want to get over you.
Angelica: I love hearing that, and I'm for supporting to good work you do, but I don't think you have time for the type of relationship I'm looking for. I still want to be in your life as a friend.

Alice: how long do I have to pay my dues?
Luca: As long as it takes. Just the opportunity itself is harder to come by for people.

Gael, I think I changed my mind. I want to keep her.


I am too old for this, and so are you. I have an idea. Why don't you move in with me? We can wake up every morning together.


Isabella, I would be so grateful if you gave me the opportunity to be a mother.


Alice: How am I ever supposed to get on the lot as you?
Sumi: These people can't tell the difference between Asian women.

Although the world doesn't treat us like it, we are all worthy. We all deserve to have roofs over our heads.


Silas: Horses are very intuitive, they can sense a person's energy, their true intentions. I have that gift.
Mariana: Oh, what do you sense about me?
Silas: That you're searching for something, or for someone.
Mariana: What makes you think that?
Silas: You strike me as lonely deep inside like you were abandoned at a young age or maybe more recently. Like someone close left you.
Mariana: I am searching, for a place to call home.
Silas: Well, maybe you found that place and your people.

Jenna: I want to leave. I actually ran away or tried to but Adam picked me up and brought me back here.
Mariana: So Silas won't let you leave.
Jenna: Not since Joaquin showed up. Silas is constantly watching me and he's been abusive. He locks me in at night.

Davia: Do you want kids? I never really asked you that.
Davia: It depends on who I would be having them with. Does Ryan want kids?
Dennis: Yeah.
Davia: And are you moving in with her?
Dennis:No, I''m not moving in with Ryan, in fact, I'm just not seeing her anymore.

Ryan: Dennis, are you in love with me?
Dennis: I don't know what that means, love versus in love.
Ryan : Are you in love with Davia? You're blushing. That's what in love means. It's visceral. Indeniable .Irrepressible. And I don't want to be anyone's consolation prize.
Dennis: You are not a consolation prize. You're brilliant and beautiful.
Ryan: Yes, I am. And you're a wonderful man. You're just not my man.

Davia: This is Ryan. Dennis' ...
Ryan: Girlfriend.
Dennis: Friend.

Good Trouble Quotes

Callie: Why did you call me?
Kathleen: I want you to be my lawyer.

Wilson: Can I ask a favor?
Callie: Of course.
Wilson: I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell the others about my son -- that he's not studying abroad.
Callie: Actually, that night, I did mention that I had seen him. That's all I told them.