Rory: Note to self: Impulsive definitely does not work for me.

Man: Excuse me, I'm so sorry to bother you. Which way is 44th?
Rory: Oh, um, that way.
Man: Great, thanks.
Rory: I got asked directions.
Jess: I saw.
Rory: He took me for a native. That's so cool.
Jess: That's very impressive. Forty-fourth's the other way.

Rory: Do they allow hot dogs in the subway?
Jess: You are such an out-of-towner!

Lorelai: I am feeling so good, sista, because it's over! No more finals, no more studying, no more school, the pressure's off. Do you know how much pressure I felt, do you? All last week I felt like a giant man and his brother were sitting on my chest.
Rory: A giant man?
Lorelai: And his giant brother.
Rory: Did they have names?
Lorelai: Clem and Clem. Huh, same names, which did not reflect well on the imagination of their mothers.
Rory: Mother.
Lorelai: Mothers. There were two Clems.
Rory: Yeah, 'cause they were brothers.
Lorelai: Yes, so they had mothers.
Rory: Okay, you're drawing me into your drunken world.
Lorelai: It's not a bad place to be, my friend. Mnh-mnh, tank's empty.
(Lorelai walks into the kitchen to get another drink)

Emily: That's a camera?
Lorelai: That's a camera.
Richard: It looks like a toy.

Liza: Can it!
Zach: Stuff it!
Lorelai: (to Sookie) They're in love.

Lorelai: We should be eating, I'm hungry! Don't they want us eating? Isn't that what the point of the Hungry Diner is, to feed the hungry diner? Or is the point of the Hungry Diner to keep the diner hungry, in which case they should call it the Eternally Hungry Diner cuz you're not gonna get any food here, loser!
Rory: That would be quite a sign.

Lorelai: Look, I'm giving these paper-topped turkeyheads 3 seconds to seat us, or I swear I'm gonna start...
Waitress: Two?
Lorelai: Yes, please!
Rory: You're gonna what?
Lorelai: What?
Rory: You said you were gonna do something if somebody didn't seat us in 3 seconds
Lorelai: I did?
Rory: Yes, you did. And then the waitress came and you never finished saying what you were gonna do.
Lorelai: Honey, we've gotta get some food into you, you're imagining things!
Rory: What were you gonna do?
Lorelai: Shh, you're getting screwy!
Rory: Mom!
Lorelai: Mom? I'm not your mom, do you need help little girl?
Rory: Oh my God!

Rory: You know, there will be food there.
Lorelai: Finger food, aka snooty little balls of attitude!
Rory: Oh boy.
Lorelai: I need real food, peasant food, hearty bread, meat, cheese, little pickle chips, sauce, a special sauce. This is the food that sustains me, this is the food of my...
Rory: Oh my God, just eat the burger already!
Lorelai: How crabby!
Rory: I'm not crabby.
Lorelai: I didn't even get through my special sauce speech. That's crabby.

How am I gonna fit my three sugars into Barbie's Malibu Dream Cup here?


Lorelai: Look, I was upset, he was upset, we had a thing, it's over, everything's fine.
Rory: A thing?
Lorelai: A thinglet, if you will.
Rory: You and Luke don't have thinglets very often.

Lorelai: There are like fifty tables open.
Rory: You're exaggerating.
Lorelai: (pointing at tables) One, two, three, four, fifty! I am not!

Gilmore Girls Quotes

(about the pants she's bought for Luke) I don't know what this fabric is, but I think I want to have its baby.


(to Rory) You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of her potential.
