Walter: With all due respect, Darwin got it all wrong. I used to make the joke that Darwin's thinking was rather... unevolved.
Peter: Which I'm sure used to be very funny.

Peter: I think I got a guy who can help us.
Olivia: Who?
Peter: Do you really want to know?
Olivia: Good point.

With all due respect, Agent Harris, I have done my due dilligence. I just got off the phone with my contact at the CDC. And they have seen nothing like it. But you tell me, does this look like a flu you've heard of? Where people's brains come out of their ears?


Peter: I don't underestimate my father, by the way. I understand him. Sometimes more than I want to. Look, if I let him talk to that woman, she's just going to accuse him of killing her daughter, which is something he didn't do.
Olivia: Then why not just let them meet?
Peter: Whose side are you on anyway?
Olivia: I know what it's like to live with something unresolved. That's all.
Peter: Congratulations. You just described the entire planet.

(to Olivia) I wanted to say that I've never had him in my life, Walter, and now, thanks to your insane freakshow of an operation, I do, have him in my life. And I think that I was a little scared.


Fringe Season 1 Episode 12 Quotes

Peter: I don't underestimate my father, by the way. I understand him. Sometimes more than I want to. Look, if I let him talk to that woman, she's just going to accuse him of killing her daughter, which is something he didn't do.
Olivia: Then why not just let them meet?
Peter: Whose side are you on anyway?
Olivia: I know what it's like to live with something unresolved. That's all.
Peter: Congratulations. You just described the entire planet.

(to Olivia) I wanted to say that I've never had him in my life, Walter, and now, thanks to your insane freakshow of an operation, I do, have him in my life. And I think that I was a little scared.
