Observer 1: You were right, they don't remember Peter.
Observer 2: How could they? He never existed. He served his purpose.

Olivia Dunham, my wife, was everything to me.


You may stop this group, but you cannot stop the inevitable. Our destiny was set the day we triggered the machine. I didn't understand it until it was too late that our two worlds were inextricably liked. Without one, we simply cannot exist. When their world was destroyed, that was the day we sealed our fate. For all intent and purposes, that was the day we died.


I didn't realize how much I missed swivel chairs. I also missed swiveling.


Peter: Why? You worried about your reelection prospects?
Broyles: You know me better than that. I'm worried about that. The entire globe is disintegrating, we're running around putting on Band-Aids and every day more people are lost because of it and Walter is responsible. I know him, and I know his intentions weren't this. But there's not a single person out there who hasn't lost someone they love because of him. You can't begrudge the anger they feel towards him.

Senator Broyles: What do you need?
Peter: I want Walter. I want you to grant him a temporary furlough so he can help us on the case.
Broyles: That's out of the question.

I feel fine, hon.


Olivia: Ella!
Ella: Peter's fine, Aunt Liv. He's in recovery. I mean, ah..Agent Dunham, mam.
Olivia: You can just call me boss, like everybody else.

Fringe Season 3 Episode 22 Quotes

I feel fine, hon.


Olivia: Ella!
Ella: Peter's fine, Aunt Liv. He's in recovery. I mean, ah..Agent Dunham, mam.
Olivia: You can just call me boss, like everybody else.