Daniel: You keep your cobra kais away from our kids.
Kreese: It's a free country.
Johnny: Not for you. Cobra Kai's gotta go, for good.

I owe you man. You saved my ass. Anything you need. I'm there for you. Your whole life, you hear me Johnny? Your whole life. I'm here for you.


Hey, long time.


What's the matter, sensei? Can't let your guard down or too scared?


The enemy of your enemy is your friend.


Sam: Come on, Dad. It's not 1984.
Daniel: Look you're growing up now. You're a young woman, I get it. It just feels like in this past year it's been Kyler. Miguel, Robby, and back to Miguel. You're adding more drama in your life than you need.

Johnny: Look Ali, I want to apologize.
Ali: Johnny Lawrence apologize?
Johnny: Yeah, I screwed up back in the day. Took you for granted and you didn't deserve that. I ruined our relationship and friendship. And worst of all, I broke your radio.

Miguel: Sensei probably overreacted because she was his first love.
Daniel: She was mine too. That's what started all of this.

We have one last chance to make things right. Alone we're nothing. But if we work together, we have a shot. If we can't get over the past, the fighting will never end. We have to confront our enemies. This rivalry has to stop. One way or another.


Do you see what you can accomplish when you work together? Alliances are important. For us and our enemy. Because you better believe that they are making alliances too.


We've been here five minutes, and I've already seen ten people I hate. It's Christmas alright.


Hey, pussies! This is exactly what those assholes at Cobra Kai want. Since you were one of 'em, you're an asshole. So are you. So was I, at least I was trying to be one. But now, Cobra Kai is the worst collection of assholes in the Valley, run by the King of all Assholes.
So if by merging with Eagle Fang, weird name by the way, can keep us all from being shit on anymore, then we'd all be assholes not to do it. I'm sorry for all the "assholes." I usuallu take pride in my grandiloquece, but it's an emotional time.


Cobra Kai Season 3 Quotes

Sam: I feel so guilty. 
Daniel: It's not your fault. All this started before you were even born. If not for me and Johnny there wouldn't have been a fight in the first place. This is my fault. 

Amanda: I can't believe they have the gall to suspend Sam for two weeks! I'm going to tell the school board how incompetent they are. Heads will roll!
Daniel: At least they expelled the girl who started it.
Amanda: Expelled?! That bitch should be in Shawshank!