Kreese: And when our boy comes back, well, we'll help him get on his feet.
Johnny: Go anywhere near Miguel and his family, and I'll kill you.

Daniel: You ready?
Johnny: Let's begin!

Heard you were throwing a party. Hope you don't mind if we crash.


Ali: This is exactly the problem. You say one thing, and then you say the opposite. You both think there's only one side to the story.
Johnny: I know. There's two.
Ali: No, there's three. There's your side, and there's your side, and then there's the truth. And the truth is maybe you to recognize parts of yourself in each other, and maybe you always like what you see. I guess it's possible some small part of all of this is my fault.
Daniel: Yeah. Me too.

Look, man. I'm sorry. For all of it. Do you wanna help me win this thing?


Sometimes it's good to visit the past to know where you are now, but you can't live in the past.


Carmen, I finally figured it out. I love you.


Carmen, I- what happened?


Kreese: What took you so long?
Johnny: Robby, what are you doing here?
Kreese: He's exactly where he belongs. As are you. Three generations of Cobra Kai working together. We won't just dominate the tournament. We'll melt this whole snowflake generation.

Kreese: This is really your last chance, Johnny. Are you in or are you out?
Robby: Listen to him, dad. He only wants what's best for you.

You know all these years you weren't there, I blamed myself. Sensei Kreese is right. I can't be my own worst enemy. But you can be!


Daniel: You sent them to my house! You came after my daughter, you son of a bitch! You wanted a fight, you got one.
Kreese: I told you this was inevitable. You can't keep up this defense only shit forever.

Cobra Kai Season 3 Quotes

Sam: I feel so guilty. 
Daniel: It's not your fault. All this started before you were even born. If not for me and Johnny there wouldn't have been a fight in the first place. This is my fault. 

Amanda: I can't believe they have the gall to suspend Sam for two weeks! I'm going to tell the school board how incompetent they are. Heads will roll!
Daniel: At least they expelled the girl who started it.
Amanda: Expelled?! That bitch should be in Shawshank!