Kurt: You're staying here.
Jane: Why?
Kurt: We got it.

You want me to trust you? Start listening to what I say. Earn it.


Jane: Shouldn't I get one of those.
Kurt: You got one.
Jane: It's attached to the car.

Jane: What if I was a terrible person before all of this?
Kurt: I don't think you were, Jane.

Jane: Couldn't I just kick the door down? It didn't look that heavy.
Kurt: No, you can't, Jane. That isn't how it works.

Bethany: Like a Google alert on her tattoos?
Madison: It's a little bit more sophisticated than that, but yeah, like a Google alert,.

Jane: None of this feels real.
Kurt: Jane, you're going to be OK. I promise.
Jane: I don't know what that feels like.

Jane: Please take him alive. He's the only one that might have answers.
Kurt: We'll try our best.

Someone did this to me. Took away my whole life and I can't do anything about it.


Blindspot Season 1 Quotes

Jane: Please take him alive. He's the only one that might have answers.
Kurt: We'll try our best.

Someone did this to me. Took away my whole life and I can't do anything about it.
