Dirty money is dirty money.


Or Leonard Gailey does exist and the NSA is lying. Like they've done about everything ever.


I hate teenage girls.


I saw where he took me when I was little. There was this stairwell in this room and all these children. What was he doing?


Jane: What happened after I disappeared?
Weller: The community imploded.
Jane: No, I mean what happened with you.

It feels like you're waiting on me remembering something that I'm never going to remember.


Tasha: I don't want to eat cold pizza in your loser ass apartment.
Edgar: Fine, stay at home with your cats.

Edgar: Hey, good work today.
Jane: Thank you.
Edgar: Look, I know you think I'm the bad guy because I didn't welcome you with open arms.
Jane: You think I'm a liability.

Frank: Rebecca and I spent our entire lives studying viruses. You know what the greatest threat to mankind is? Modern medicine.
Kurt: Stop. Don't move.
Frank: We create all these medicines. Antibiotics. Cures for diseases that should never be cured. This planet was not designed for 8 billion people.

When I say it's too dangerous, it's too dangerous.


Edgar: Honestly, the idea of having her armed in the field is making me nervous.
Kurt: She can handle herself.

Kurt: I really am sorry, Jane.
Jane: Every time we get close to something real, it just slips through my fingers.
Kurt: We have a theory about who you might be. We wanted to wait until we got the DNA results.

Blindspot Season 1 Quotes

Jane: Please take him alive. He's the only one that might have answers.
Kurt: We'll try our best.

Someone did this to me. Took away my whole life and I can't do anything about it.
