Eddie: You want me to tell him he's different?
Carla: He already knows that. You need to teach him what it means. That he has limitations.
Eddie: I'm not gonna tell my kid that.

Josh: So, you don't think online dating is a terrible idea?
Maddie: I think everyone has a match. You just have to find em.

Athena: Look, I want to be supportive, Michael. I want to respect your wishes. But I do not want you to die.
Michael: Me either. Okay?

Chimney: So, uh, tell me, if you weren't a bank guy what do you think you'd be doing?
Harrison: I wanted to be a firefighter as a kid. But now I don't think I have the guts.

Maddie: To seizing the day!
Chimney: And seizing my birthday.

Albert: You do not know what my life was like at home.
Chimney: I know you have always had a family. That I have always been trying to piece one together. Well, these people are all that I have. You don't get to take them, too.

Skydiving Mom: Is he gonna be alright?
Hen: He's a little beat up, but I think he'll fly again.
Chimney: Just not sure he's gonna want to.

Are you boys single?

Skydiving Mom [to Buck and Eddie]

Buck: Um, no offense, but I hope I never see you again.
Doctor: Hey, you never know!
Buck: Really?

Chimney: So, how'd it go?
Maddie: It wasn't easy, but I'm really glad I did it. And I finally feel free.

This is my first Christmas alone.

Michael [to Athena]

Athena: Michael, this is your house, too.
Michael: No, it's not.

9-1-1 Season 3 Quotes

Buck: Wow. You guys gonna get married already?
Michael: Don't forget to invite us.

Hen: What kind of crazy person came up with this plan?
Bobby: My wife.