I know what I am now. I'm a cowboy.


Thomas: Ain't much of a team player.
Shea: Yeah, but he's capable.
Thomas: Don't like him questionin' us.
Shea: Not much we can do about it. He ain't on the payroll.
Thomas: Yeah. When there's two leaders, there ain't no leader. Know what I mean? Need to figure that out.

James: You wanna court my daughter, you can.
Ennis: Court her?
James: You can do it.
Ennis: Not sure what it means.
James: Well, son. It means you can talk. Talk, and go on rides. Talk.
Ennis: We kinda been doin' that.
James: You know the drill, then. You break her heart or get handsy, you and me gonna have a problem.
Ennis: Define handsy. [James eyes him]. Joke. Bad time to tell it. Sorry. Sorry.
James: Damn, boy.

Shea: My daughter's one of those kids could've made the world better.
Thomas: Yes, she was.
Shea: I'm doin' this for the same reasons, Thomas.

I don't think you're gonna win a medal for wagon boss.


I watched her ride, and I didn't see my mother. I saw a woman; and the woman was magnificent.


James: We took a life to give us life, so now we say think you.
John: To who?
James: The deer.
John: But the deer's dead. He can't hear us.
James: We say it anyway.
John: How do we say thank you?
James: We just say it.
John: Thank you.
James: When you kill a thing, son, it makes you less man, but more animal. We try to find the balance between 'em. That's all life is. You understand?

Ennis: You have terrible taste in men.
Elsa: [chuckles] You ain't a man. You're just a boy.
Ennis: I'm man enough.
Elsa: Jut a boy. Guess I have terrible taste in boys, too. [laughs] This flirtin' thing is fun!
Ennis: So, she was! She was flirtin'! Kinda mean the way she does it, but she was flirtin'! Woo hoo!

Ennis: My gosh; you're forward.
Elsa: Look who's blushin' now.
Ennis: You sayin' I made you blush?

If you steal, you will stay where you stole.


If I speak, and you don't do what I say, you get hurt. That's the pattern here, and it don't stop until you do what I say or you run out of face.


Girl, I've forgotten more about horses than you'll ever know.



You've got no horses, no guns, you can't ride. You are a fuckin' fool thinkin' you can travel two thousand miles with no skills to survive it.


That should answer any questions about how dangerous this journey will be. It will be that and worse, all the way to Oregon.
