Just once, I'd love to see the world through your eyes. One day you'll see 'em through mine, though, and it breaks my heart.


If you decide to do it again, do it outside of earshot of the damn camp.


Margaret: I envy you, becomin' a woman out here. No rules, no worries, or whispers about what you should be. There's no such thing as freedom, Elsa. Don't let anyone tell you there is. There's laws, there's rules, there's customs, responsibilities everywhere. The more people you cram together, the more rules there'll be. I don't know what life is like in Oregon, but there'll be rules there, too. This trail is as free as you'll ever be. The only rules you need to follow are the ones in your heart.
Elsa: Can we talk about sex now?
Margaret: We just did.

The only way you survive this is workin' together, leanin' on each other. This trip ain't even got hard yet, but hard's comin'. The river is what happens when you don't work together. [points to Josef] That is your leader. You chose 'im. Now follow him or choose someone you will follow.


James: Where you goin'?
Margaret: I don't recall the part of our vows that said I need to ask your permission to go somewhere.

Thomas: Missin' 'em bad this morning, huh?
Shea: I miss 'em bad every mornin' Tom. But that ain't what's eatin' me today.
Thomas: What's eatin' ya then?
Shea: We're makin' too many widows, too many orphans.
Thomas: We ain't makin' nothin'. They deaths ain't our fault.
Shea: They're our responsibility. That makes 'em our fault.
Thomas: How's 'is any different than sendin' soldiers over a hill? You knew them was gonna die. Never shed a tear for them.
Shea: The hell I didn't.

The land of no consequences behind us, we are in the land of no mercy now.


Shea: By the time I get these misfits movin', it'll be midday, farmer. Don't you worry about it.
James: I ain't no fuckin' farmer.
Shea: You were.
James: I was a captain, too. I don't call myself that, either. Captain.

Thomas: They gonna hate you.
Shea: They'll still be alive to do it.

Thomas: A black main ain't gonna solve your problems, you know. It's gonna create a whole buncha new ones.
Noemi: This is a free country.
Thomas: There's degrees of free, m'am.
Noemi: What does that mean? Government can tell me who to love?
Thomas: Government says you can't swim, can't protect yourself. Damn right government can tell you who to love or not love. They shouldn't, but they can.
Noemi: Then we go somewhere they can't.
Thomas: [chuckled] M'am, you don't want nuttin' to do wit' me. I'm too old, too set in my ways, don't like talkin'. I like sleepin' outside, and I like bathin' in the river. I ain't what a woman wants.
Noemi: Men have no idea what women want.
Thomas: [chuckles] Can't argue that.
Noemi: Know why? Cause they never ask.
Thomas: What do you want?
Noemi: I want to watch you eat.

Ennis: Guess I'm the one bein' forward now. I'm sorry. I probably shouldn't have done it.
Elsa: Do it again.

Shea: This talkin' back is gettin' contagious.
Thomas: You need to have a word with that farmer. A word that sticks. Let me do it, and I'll make sure it sticks.


You've got no horses, no guns, you can't ride. You are a fuckin' fool thinkin' you can travel two thousand miles with no skills to survive it.


That should answer any questions about how dangerous this journey will be. It will be that and worse, all the way to Oregon.
