Ramse: My friend, you are not the same man since you got back, and you're bringing me down.
Cole: What are you talking about?
Ramse: Look I'm telling you dude, you're different.
Cole: No I'm not.
Ramse: Yeah you are. Listen, I get it. You're a little sad about being back, who wouldn't be? You got the food, you got the science, the girl.
Cole: It's not like that man.
Ramse: Just remember, you're not from there. You're from here.

Jones: Mr. Cole did you find him?
Cole: Yeah I found him.
Jones: Then you failed your mission. You were to eliminate him before he could release the plague.
Cole: Leland's dead. I killed him just like you wanted me to. You were wrong killing him didn't change anything. There were others. There were always others.
Jones: Others? Others who? Mr. Cole... who?
Cole: The Army of the 12 Monkeys.

Cassie: I said your name.
Cole: You gave me this mission. You're the reason I'm here.

Cole: You came.
Cassie: I had to see if you were real.
Cole: Here I am.
Cassie: Here you are. You know you're late.
Cole: It's not an exact science.

About four years from now, most of the human race is gonna be wiped out by a plague; a virus. All we know is that it's because of a man named Leland Frost. I have to find him.


What if you could take it back? All of it? A reset switch? You'd hit it right? You'd have to.


12 Monkeys Season 1 Quotes

About four years from now, most of the human race is gonna be wiped out by a plague; a virus. All we know is that it's because of a man named Leland Frost. I have to find him.


What if you could take it back? All of it? A reset switch? You'd hit it right? You'd have to.
