Ramse: We're in Atari.
Cole: Atari, what's that?
Ramse: It's a game called Go. A game I played when I was a little kid. Means you're outta moves.

Cassie: The 12 Monkeys already have Jennifer Goines.
Cole: They'll have to break through a lot of crazy before she leads them anywhere.

You never make it off this island. You'll never make it out of here.


I need you to tell me the location of the night room. They want to take what's in that room and they want to use it. They call themselves the Army of the 12 Monkeys and they're looking for you too.


Ramse: You don't know anything about scavs.
Whitley: I know enough.
Ramse: Bullshit.
Whitley: They're like animals, living off the weak. Taking what they don't deserve, like you and Cole.

Nature doesn't break, it only bends.


Cole: Wait a minute. I know this place. This is...
Cassie: It's not everyday you see the building you're going to die in.

Cassie: How long do you think it will be before the 12 Monkeys break Jennifer Goines?
Cole: Don't know, but she won't make it easy.
Cassie: There's nothing in the future that can help us find her?
Cole: No we gotta find this guy.
Cassie: The one who got away.

I was 30 years old when the world died. I remember them, those 7 billion. Not you, you were just a child. All you remember is what you did out there and that's the soul that you want to save. Just that one soul.


Cole: Look, the people who sent me back they're worried about your timeline.
Cassie: It's too late for that.
Cole: Your future could affect everything.
Cassie: I don't care about your paradox bullshit Cole. Shut up and listen to me; Jeremy is dead. Someone knows we got too close to the truth.

Cole: Goines, you're Leland's daughter.
Jennifer: Yes and no. I am a Goines. I was a daughter. Daddy's feeding the worms. Did you know Dad?
Cole: We met.
Jennifer: Sorry for your loss.

I'm sending you to 2015. I want you to track down the patient in room 248. She's somehow connected to this organization. Find out who they are.


12 Monkeys Season 1 Quotes

About four years from now, most of the human race is gonna be wiped out by a plague; a virus. All we know is that it's because of a man named Leland Frost. I have to find him.


What if you could take it back? All of it? A reset switch? You'd hit it right? You'd have to.
