So I might leave you one day. You might leave me one day. Sounds like every love story I’ve ever heard.

Sam: That’s five hundred thousand francs.
Philippe: Five hundred thousand. That’s a lot of francs.
Sam: A whole lot.
Philippe: What am I supposed to do with it?
Sam: Buy yourself a new boat and row yourself the fuck out of here.
Philippe: Where would I go?
Sam: I hear Norway needs more assholes.

Philippe: You understand what I’m saying?
Sam: Not really, but then I was too busy wondering what day you might finish talking to listen.

I’ll tell you what. You stay and wait for your father to show up; smoke to your lungs’ content. I’ll be back at sundown. If you’re still hanging around, you’ll come home with me. If not, it’s swell knowing you, and I hope you and Philippe have a nice life on the run.

Sam: You weren’t afraid?
Teresa: I had my knife. Though, sadly, I lost it.
Sam: In the chapel?
Teresa: In the monk.

Marguerite: You may think you understand him, but you make him feel small. You make most men feel small.
Sam: That’s because they don’t know me. Then I’ve never much cared what other thought of me.
Marguerite: Not caring doesn’t make one bulletproof.
Sam: You should needlepoint that one on a pillow.

Henri: I must confess. Since I was a child, you’ve been my hero.
Sam: Your hero?
Henri: Oui.
Sam: [disrobing] My advice? Trade up.

Patrice: Tell me, Sam. Outside of the antique Gabrielle got you for St. Valentine’s or whatever, do you still possess a working pistol?
Sam: Anyone who wants to shoot me will have to bring their own gun.
Patrice: I have no idea what that means, but it has the ring of your usual moral foolishness. Still, there’s a madman running around. You might want to protect yourself with something more reliable than just your wits.

Sam: You speak perfect English.
Gabrielle: I had a good teacher.
Sam: Another talent I lack.
Gabrielle: Teaching?
Sam: Learning.
Gabrielle: You just have to be taught by someone you want to listen to.
Sam: I’m all ears.

Well, there’s plenty of ways of getting rid of a man without killing him, especially when there’s a war on.

Emphysema. Not pretty.

I couldn’t tell you what sort of man I am other than I keep my promises, particularly when I’m paid to.

Monsieur Spade Quotes

Sam: You speak perfect English.
Gabrielle: I had a good teacher.
Sam: Another talent I lack.
Gabrielle: Teaching?
Sam: Learning.
Gabrielle: You just have to be taught by someone you want to listen to.
Sam: I’m all ears.

I couldn’t tell you what sort of man I am other than I keep my promises, particularly when I’m paid to.
