Sam: You sound like a leaflet someone dropped from an airplane. I mean, you may not have noticed, but I do nothing but fight for the people in this odd place, and all the people who live around the true, including you two ignorant dimwits. And yeah, I have a swell life, or at least I did until you all fucked it up. I can’t even go for a swim in my pool anymore.
Anatol: How terrible for you, huh?
Sam: Yes, it is a fucking tragedy!

The Cato thing worked once.

Sam: That George guy. Does he look like he knows Kung Fu?
Teresa: Kung Fu? No.
Sam: Yeah, I didn’t think so either.

Sam: Should we get a drink?
Teresa: Really?
Sam: Just one. A really small one.
Teresa: [excitedly] Are we going to a bar?
Sam: That’s where the drinks are.

Sam: Tasty?
Patrice: Tastier than tastes bad. The English do not know how to cook. I mean, sweet Jesus, why did anyone think a dish called Toad in the Hole would be anything but disgusting?
Sam: The wine was good.
Patrice: The wine was French.

But now for the million-dollar question. What is so important about this little kid that everyone is willing to murder nuns or kidnap young girls in order to get their hands on him?

A bullet once fired can’t be put back in the gun.

Patrice: That man is about as much a painter as I am a milkmaid.
Sam: That’s an image.
Patrice: And what about the garage? I’d love to know why there’s not room inside for their car.
Sam: I think their little sculpture on the roof might have something to do with it.

Sam: I work for Gabrielle Lavarone.
Philippe: As what? As a Gardner?
Sam: More like her housekeeper.
Philippe: Tell me your name again?
Sam: Samuel Spade.
Philippe: How ridiculous.
Sam: My mother liked it.
Philippe: A whore, no doubt.
Sam: Maybe we’ll leave my mother out of this and focus on you and me.

Sam: I don't think you and I are having the same conversation.
Philippe: Of course we are.
Sam: Then you're either really dumb, or you're trying to provoke me, which also makes you really dumb, or you're just what everybody says you are.
Philippe: Handsome. Devil may care.
Sam: Whatever you are and whatever you want me to think you are, you're not drunk, you're not bored, and you're not all that interesting, so you can knock off that bug act and listen to what I have to say. I promise to be quick, you can get back to your sulking, and I can get back to the States where people don't butter their fucking fruit.

Sam: I tried to quit. I just kept finding cigarettes between my fingers.
Doctor: Try harder.
Sam: I’m going to have those words painted on the ceiling of my bedroom.

Sam: Well, you kept your cool, Patrice.
Patrice: Please. You may have not raised your voice, but you still poked him as hard as I did.
Sam: I just like to shake the tree to see what falls out.
Patrice: Except, my reckless American friend, shake a Roman tree, and you get a face full of birdshit.

Monsieur Spade Quotes

Sam: You speak perfect English.
Gabrielle: I had a good teacher.
Sam: Another talent I lack.
Gabrielle: Teaching?
Sam: Learning.
Gabrielle: You just have to be taught by someone you want to listen to.
Sam: I’m all ears.

I couldn’t tell you what sort of man I am other than I keep my promises, particularly when I’m paid to.
