How can I be an effective governor when I’m not sure I trust my own judgment anymore?

It isn’t until someone tries to take something away from you that you realize you still want it.

What I want to be is a good man, an honest man. I’m not the man you used to know.

The dark days are behind us, my friends. The best is yet to come.

Lee: Lucas, my friend, nothing good is going to come from this. I’m so sorry.
Lucas: If that’s the way you feel, go home. I have a resort to get built.

Henry: Everything comes with a price.
Lucas: I realized that, and I got out, or so I thought, because here she is, back in my life, the only bidder left of the resort.

Henry: Going into business with him is the wrong move.
Lucas: From where I sit, it’s the only move.

Clayton: If I tell you, I’m a dead man.
Lucas: If you don’t, am I?

Henry: Look, Lucas, I know you’re a gambler, but is this a bet you want to make?
Lucas: It would only be temporary and just enough to get the ball rolling.
Henry: What if you never find someone to take it over? Who will pay for it?

Edwin: Might I remind you that this resort is the centerpiece of your grand vision? You’ve promised prosperity and jobs.
Lucas: I’m committed to fulfilling that promise, but not with either of them.

I believe Elizabeth and every woman who has accused you.

Lucas: I just wanted to leave my past behind me.
Elizabeth: And it keeps finding you.

When Calls the Heart Quotes

I have one of these at the office; I do not need one in my house.


Bill: From now on, you just mind your own business. Leave the law and order to me.
Nathan: Yeah, I can't do that.
Bill: Why's that?
Nathan: Because I'm your new Mountie, Nathan Grant.