Lucas: I just wanted to leave my past behind me.
Elizabeth: And it keeps finding you.

Mike: It’s so nice to finally meet you. We’ve heard so much about you, or not that much, really.
Lucas: Don’t you two have that thing you need to take care of?

Lucas: Mike, this is perfect. You have a family in.
Mike: You don’t understand. Maisy’s impossible to reason with.
Lucas: Are you afraid of her?
Mike: Yes. Yes, I am.

It’s so shameless, but the children are the future of Hope Valley, and the resort is for them.

I was elected to make a change. To set this territory on a new course.

Mr. Mitchell: Mr. Bouchard. Just the man I’ve been looking for. I assume you’ve heard the news?
Lucas: Yes; bad news travels fast.
Mr. Mitchell: Yes, but as they say, with loss comes opportunity, and in your case, Mr. Bouchard, opportunity knocks.

Elizabeth: I wish I could give you all of my heart, but I just can’t, and you deserve to be with someone who can.
Lucas: We both do. [kisses her forehead] I wish you all the happiness in the world, Elizabeth.

Lucas: And I think, well, when you said you were OK with me running, I thought that would mean you were OK with me winning. And if I do win, that means moving to Capitol City for four years. I assumed you and Little Jack would come with me. I can’t imagine being apart for that long. Could you?
Elizabeth: Of course not. I just hadn’t thought that all the way through, and when I try to think about it… I guess I try not to think about it.
Lucas: Well, I haven’t won yet.
Elizabeth: We have to make sure you do.

Lucas: [clears his throat] They want me to run. They say that Rosemary’s article has been picked up by dozens of local newspapers and radio hosts are reading it out loud on the air.
Elizabeth: What do you think?
Lucas: I think there has to be someone else.
Elizabeth: Is there?
Lucas: He said with the election three weeks away that no one wants to run knowing they will lose if they don’t have enough time to campaign.
Elizabeth: They’re right. Everyone knows your name. It’s as though your campaign has already started.
Lucas: So, if I were to run, you would be OK with it?
Elizabeth: If it’s what you want, then yes.

Montague: I suppose you’re going to tell all this to the Governor now — make you plea?
Lucas: Isn’t that why you invited yourself along? To stop me?

Lucas: You’re right, Governor. Now I can see what’s what. So, let’s talk business. I’ll do my best to show my fellow townspeople the light but it might be difficult for them to see if all they have is dust.
Governor: What are you proposing?
Lucas: Divert half the water, at least until after the election. That will give me time to show the people that there is a functional compromise and keep their votes in your favor. I can be your point person here in Hope Valley, for a fee, of course. Union City Holdings, as I understand it, is a limited partnership among friends? Yourself, the governor…
Governor: Something like that.
Lucas: I would also like to be a partner and a friend.
Governor: I knew you were a smart man.
Lucas: I’ll also need a new place to settle, just in case 50% of the water becomes a little bit more. Ideally a place where the water will not be redirected.
Governor: Monty, can you take Mr. Bouchard through our aqueduct map? That can be arranged in exchange for your continued support.
Lucas: You have it, unequivocally.

Lucas: What else aren’t you telling me?
Elizabeth: Why would you ask that?
Lucas: Because you have about five different tells.

When Calls the Heart Quotes

I have one of these at the office; I do not need one in my house.


Bill: From now on, you just mind your own business. Leave the law and order to me.
Nathan: Yeah, I can't do that.
Bill: Why's that?
Nathan: Because I'm your new Mountie, Nathan Grant.