I liked it better when he called me ‘Jimmy’!

Future’s coming with or without you. Might as well *be* there.

Ryan: So, you’re an actual doctor?
Jimmy: Yeah. And nobody at work knows!

Ryan Smith: What is this, self-help karaoke?
Jimmy: Honestly, I’ve got a million of these. I can do this all night long!

With that very healthy sense of self-preservation, I’m gonna ask you to stay alive so that we can both die like heroes a very long time from now when we’re old and gray, alright?

This is a literal gutless rat!

Palmer: Hey, are you coming back to work?
Tony: Of course I am. Why wouldn't I/
Palmer: I don't know. You're a single dad now, Tony. An agent in the line of fire. Wasn't sure you'd want to juggle.

Bishop: Petty Officer Muldoon didn't call 911 until an hour later.
Ducky: Which begs the question....
Palmer: What happened in that hour?

Palmer: It goes without saying but, this kind of stuff effects me a lot more since become a father.
Bishop: I'm sure it does.
Palmer: I mean with this kind of evil in the world.... People who will do this kind of...How am I supposed to let Victoria leave the house.
Bishop: Pretty sure she'll leave the house eventually, whether you let her or not.

Palmer: I'd be happy to research African tribal traditions for you, Agent Bishop.
Bishop: That'd be great, Jimmy. Thanks. But for me?
Ducky: Eleanor has it not occurred to you that you are now running point?

Gibbs: What are those?
Palmer: Neck tissue samples. If any residue was left behind it may help in identifying the weapon. I was just about to take it over to Abby.
Gibbs: And still you are here? [Palmer rushes to leave] Palmer. Thank you.

Abby: And these are his chats and his emails for you and Ducky to profile.
Palmer: Thanks for including me in there but Dr. Mallard's really the profiler. I'm just...
Abby: You are the wind beneath his wings. Now go. Blow.

NCIS Quotes

Bishop: Seriously? How'd you get that?
Tony: Well, it's like Gorillas in the Midst. You'll get to understand his grunts.

Torres: When I break out the glass, maybe I can rip out the bars.
Bishop: With what? Your superhuman strength?