It must be hard to stay at the top after losing Juliette Barnes and Rayna James.

Well you know as a guy, there's no such thing as too slutty, so it's good.

I'm not the one doing things for show around here.

Look I'm just tired of watching everyone else perform while I sit here and write.

Gunnar: I'm just looking for a break man.
Deacon: Tell me about it.

Gunnar: I had no idea you could look that good.
Scarlett: Was that supposed to be a compliment?
Gunnar: It was supposed to be, yeah.

Avery: Can't take no for an answer huh?
Gunnar: Guess that makes two of us.

I'm not feeling much of anything right now. I'm just kinda empty I guess, about everything.

You're not gonna get in the middle of something because there's nothing something to get in the middle of.

My boat's just me. At the moment it's just a kayak.

Nashville Quotes

Deacon: Rayna took her knocks.
Juliette: What? In a mansion in Belle Meade?

Maddie: ...and side boob.
Rayna: Side, what the hell did you just say?