Will: Instead of asking him out, I went with insulting his songwriting.
Gunnar: Interesting choice.

Gunnar: You can't keep fighting it, Scarlett. Everything that just happened on that stage, the energy, the connection, you and me. It's all still there. I felt it, and I know you felt it too.
Scarlett: Well, as somebody once said to me, all I felt was music.

Gunnar: Wanna help me set up our band's Twitter profile?
Scarlett: We already have a Twitter profile?
Gunnar: Of course. We got to generate publicity. We just need a photo, that's all.
Scarlett: Why?
Gunnar: Well, if you don't upload a photo, then you're just an egg, and no one takes you seriously when you're just an egg.

Will: Yeah well, I'm not going to do it. I mean, the last thing I need is for people to see me around town with some swishy gay dude.
Gunnar: Did you seriously just say that?

Luke: I have to say it felt great to write that song.
Gunnar: Yeah.
Luke: You should try writing one of your own. Your first love sleeps with your brother. Gunnar, it doesn't get anymore country than that.

Will: How much y'all had to drink?
Luke: A lot. You know, we can use him as a wingman on a tail-hunting expedition. What y'all say to a boys night out?
Gunnar: Well I would if it were night.
Luke: Well that is the great thing about Nashville is it is always dark somewhere.

Gunnar: I'm not that confused, mixed up kid anymore.
Linda: No, now you're a confused, mixed up single father.

Zoey: It wouldn't be fair to make you choose.
Gunner: What are you saying?
Zoey: I'm choosing for you.

Gunner: What?
Will: I may not be an expert on women, but I know them well enough to know when they're pissed.

Avery: I always thought by the time I had kids, I'd have the whole deal. You know, wife, house, yard... grill.
Gunner: You have a good apartment.
Avery: I have a sad-dad apartment.

Gunnar: I saw her and Jeff Fordham sneak out of the screening at the BMI party last night.
Zoey: So they watched a movie?
Gunnar: Yeah only it was NC-17 and they were both starring in it!

Scarlett O'Connor has more talent than most of us dream about. She's the one who pulled the good music out of me. I owe her everything. You just called her a looney. You could take your deal and you can go shove it.

Nashville Quotes

Deacon: Rayna took her knocks.
Juliette: What? In a mansion in Belle Meade?

Maddie: ...and side boob.
Rayna: Side, what the hell did you just say?