I feel like the world has changed. I'm doing my best to hold on as I watch everything and everyone I love fly away.

I don't get it. He says you have a mole but he's giving you one last job. I think he's setting you up.

Stabler: Seems like cutting ties was a mutual thing.
Angus: Seems like that. Well, if he wants a war, I guess I got one more in me.

Angus: I heard of users leaving their families, but I never thought... Nolan is not that guy!
Stabler: Yeah well everyone has something. You see the man but you don't see his demons.

Bad things happen but we have to have each other's back. At the end of the day, we are all we've got.

Angus: We have a system and right now your job is to follow orders, unless you've forgotten how to do that.
Stabler: I haven't forgotten a damn thing.

Bell: I'm gonna need you to tell me where those drugs really came from.
Stabler: My brother. He may have a problem.
Bell: I'm sorry to hear that. You want to know if he's using or dealing before you confront him?
Stabler: No. I wanna take care of business first and then confront my brother in my own time and my own way.
Bell: No judgment here, but one thing I learned from my time in Narcotics is that an addict doesn't need an excuse to use but that doesn't mean they won't take one.

Elliot: I'm all for this boys' night out, but you really think he's gonna admit to it?
Randall: Being a druggie? No, he's too much like the old man.

Stabler: Joey. Don't run away.
Joey: That's the Stabler family MO, isn't it?

Sir, I served my country proudly but the man who came back isn't the same man who left.

Darrien: I'm not the one selling. I'm the one looking the other way. There's a small group of us and an even smaller group trying to help.
Stabler: Help? With Black Tar Heroin?
Darrien: There's so much pain. And I want to help. I have to help somehow.
Stabler: Now you're talking like your father's son.

Stabler: You missed.
Bonner: You think I did this?
Stabler: It doesn't matter what I think. But here's what I know. You've lost your daughter, you've lost your son, and now you're losing control. And something tells me that it's that last one that hurts the most.

Law & Order: Organized Crime Quotes

Mob Boss: Why am I here?
Stabler: You know why I'm dressed like this? I just buried my wife.

Criminal: Say I was able to get a message to Mrs. Sinatra. What would I tell her?
Stabler: What happened in Puglisia didn't stay in Puglisia