Stabler: I know Hanson is no fan of mine.
Cragen: Was. He died about six weeks ago.
Stabler: I hadn't heard. So Warren's after me because he bequeathed his grudge?

Roy Clark: Who the hell are you?
Stabler: Someone who believes you and is gonna try to get you out of here.

Chief Bonner: I wasn't innocent. I was blind. I looked the other way my whole life to protect him.
Stabler: While your father was protecting Eric.
Chief Bonner: Eric. He was still there, at the house.
Stabler: Do you think he saw your father kill your mother?
Chief Bonner: Monsters make monsters.

Psych evaluator: Detective Stabler, if you leave now...
Stabler: What, you're gonna fire me? You're gonna have to threaten me with better than that. Look, this job killed my wife. I've been a detective for 30 years and it's all I ever wanted to be. I've made my share of mistakes, but I have never betrayed my oath to help people in need and I'm not about to start now.

Jet: Stabler. You can't go. I promised Bell you wouldn't go AWOL before your psych eval.
Meredith: Your... what?
Stabler: I'm getting my head examined. Meet me outside.
Jet: Stabler! Naz could call at any time.
Stabler: Good thing I have my phone then.

Stabler: How's PT going?
Bell: My physical therapist smiles too much. Says I'm about six weeks out from doing sit-ups.

Stabler: Maybe if I can get him talking, I can reason with him or stall him or something.
Bonner: You're gonna call a serial killer?

Bonner: I have history with these people, this town. Five generations of Bonners have lived and died in this town and I'll be damned if I let your investigation --
Stabler: My investigation? This is your investigation, our investigation.
Bonner: Fine. Our investigation. I will be damned if I let it ruin the reputation of people in this town.

Bonner: What can you tell me about this guy?
Stabler: I'm not a profiler. I'm not an expert.
Bonner: I don't need your expertise. I need your gut.

Stabler: They're trying to spin this whole thing, saying there's no way there's a local.
Reyes: Maybe it's bad for business.

Stabler: You can't come with me. You're not supposed to be here.
Jet: We're all out of our jurisdiction, especially you.
Stabler: I'm already in hot water. If this goes sideways, Sarge isn't gonna have a team to come back to.

I'm gonna find her. Maybe you think you've gone too far, but you haven't. You can stop this.

Law & Order: Organized Crime Quotes

Mob Boss: Why am I here?
Stabler: You know why I'm dressed like this? I just buried my wife.

Criminal: Say I was able to get a message to Mrs. Sinatra. What would I tell her?
Stabler: What happened in Puglisia didn't stay in Puglisia