Sexy Patrick

Patrick Dempsey is sexy. And the subject of TV Guide's cover story advertising the fall 2007 television season. Awesome.

Always a Classic

The title of this photo could apply to Patrick Dempsey's car. Or Patrick Dempsey himself. The man is a hit with Grey's Anatomy fans, that's for sure!

Happy Patrick

Dempsey is dreamy. And happy about the return of Grey's Anatomy. Then again, who isn't? Looking forward to seeing more of Patrick Dempsey and the gang in Season Four!

Ellen Pompeo and Fans

Ellen Pompeo (and what looks like Patrick Dempsey) greet a pair of fans on the Grey's Anatomy set. She's awesome!

Patrick Dempsey Visits Cancer Patient

Patrick Dempsey visits an Alabama cancer patient while in the Yellowhammer State as part of his car racing passion. What a nice gesture!

Grey's Anatomy: The Season 3 Cast

The cast of the ABC hit series Grey's Anatomy, Season 3 style. They won many awards and earned a lot of money.

Formal McDreamy

Patrick Dempsey, a.k.a. McDreamy, is looking sharp in this tux at a recent awards ceremony. The man who plays Derek Shepherd sure is a hunk.

Patrick Dempsey and Jillian Dempsey

Dr. McDreamy, Patrick Dempsey, and his real life Mrs. McDreamy, the lovely Jillian Dempsey. Here they are photographed at the Chrysalis Butterfly Ball, a non-profit event.

Eric Dane, Patrick Dempsey and Better Halves

A couple of Grey's Anatomy hunks and their wives at the Chrysalis Butterfly Ball, run by Eric Dane and his wife, Rebecca Gayheart. With Dane and Gayheart are none other than Patrick and Jillian Dempsey.

Patrick Dempsey is Made of Honor

In more ways than one. Here, Patrick Dempsey is seen on the set of "Made of Honor," a new movie he's filming.

The Need For Speed

Patrick Dempsey has it, and will be displaying it as the pace car driver at the Indianapolis 500.

Hot Husband

Patrick Dempsey in Redbook.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
