The Happy Couple - This Is Us Season 1 Episode 14

It's unclear under what circumstances, but we'll be getting a peek at Jack and Rebecca's wedding day. Doesn't it look lovely?

I Do - This Is Us

We'll be revisiting the day Jabecca got married on This Is Us!

Nine is Fine - This Is Us Season 1 Episode 13

The ninth birthday in any child's life is memorable, isn't it? No? Well, maybe in the Pearson family it was!

Party Fight! - This Is Us Season 1 Episode 13

It's a big birthday fight as everyone gets ready to pile onto Big Daddy!

Aye, Aye Matey - This Is Us Season 1 Episode 13

Kevin has a pirate theme going on. Is this the big ten?

Taking It Out - This Is Us Season 1 Episode 13

Kevin is obviously trying to sway Toby's opinion on Kevin's issues with his thoughts, right?

Who Will He Choose? - This Is Us Season 1 Episode 13

Kevin is obviously going to choose either Olivia or Sloane. I really like Janet Montgomery. I do. But Olivia is not right for Kevin. Sloane is right for Kevin. If he's making a grand romantic gesture, I hope he's making it to Sloane. What say you?

Wingman - This Is Us Season 1 Episode 13

Kevin is going to make a major decision in his romantic life. With Toby as his wingman, he's not looking too enthusiastic about playing the field. That's a relief.

Randall in the Kitchen - This Is Us Season 1 Episode 13

Do you think Randall got home late and offered to make him and William a late night sandwich as a way to spend a bit more time with his father?

William in Red - This Is Us Season 1 Episode 13

William chose the perfect sweater for the occasion, as he looks very nice against the kitchen walls.

Father/Father Dinner - This Is Us Season 1 Episode 13

Two fathers having dinner together. I'm just glad we'll get a seat at the table so we can be a part of the conversation.

Surprise? - This Is Us Season 1 Episode 13

This looks like some sort of surprise party scenario. Who's with me?! Is it Jack's turn to get a party all of his own for the first time in ten years?

This Is Us Season 1 Quotes

Rebecca: I had to put the lingerie on on top of my clothes.
Jack: I see that.
Rebecca: It wasn't a great moment for me.

Rebecca: You promise you love your gift?
Jack: The towel? It's absolutely terrible.