Body Language - This Is Us Season 1 Episode 14

The body language says this is a closed off conversation. Coffee must not have gone very well.

Sophie - This Is Us Season 1 Episode 14

Kevin's going to be hitting memory road himself with a deluge of Sophie thoughts. In fact, we'll even see them as teens, as Fosters actress Amanda Leighton has joined the cast to play older version of the child and adult we've already met.

Show Business! - This Is Us Season 1 Episode 14

Toby shows off his signature move again to prove the lengths he's willing to go for Kate. Except he's only going to be in the way. They WILL get through it, though. Maybe Duke is the wild card who will help her see Toby really means well!

Fun and Jokes - This Is Us Season 1 Episode 14

Toby is all fun and jokes, and Kate needs to get down and dirty to discover what's really been eating at her all these years. Can she do that with Toby along for the ride?

Happy Faces - This Is Us Season 1 Episode 14

Toby and Kate are together again. How will this put the kibbosh into Kate's weight loss journey? I have an idea.

A Kiss - This Is Us Season 1 Episode 14

Kate plants a kiss on Toby. Here's hoping that Duke followed his new friend inside to witness it.

Celebration Dinner - This Is Us Season 1 Episode 14

The four best friends go out to dinner. Is this where the devastating news will be announced? Why can't I get over the devastating news??

Back to Business - This Is Us Season 1 Episode 14

Did Randall get his derivatives work done in time for a truly competitive pitch against the fella brought in for the project Randall hoped to land? We'll find out.

Always the Gentleman - This Is Us Season 1 Episode 14

A true gentleman always gets the door for his lady, and Jack Pearson is no exception. It looks like he doesn't stop, even after the pull into the family garage!

Honeymoon Hijinks - This Is Us Season 1 Episode 14

It's time to get to the good stuff!! Honeymoon hijinks between the newlyweds. They're so ridiculously happy!

Wedding Photos - This Is Us Season 1 Episode 14

If Miguel and his wife were standing at Jebeca's side for their nuptials, it makes even more sense why they'd be concerned at their devastating news. And why Rebecca and Miguel might eventually take solace in one another years later.

Throw the Rice - This Is Us Season 1 Episode 14

Even if you don't get married in a church, your friends and family can still bombard you with happiness and show their joy at your union.

This Is Us Season 1 Quotes

Rebecca: I had to put the lingerie on on top of my clothes.
Jack: I see that.
Rebecca: It wasn't a great moment for me.

Rebecca: You promise you love your gift?
Jack: The towel? It's absolutely terrible.