Are You Ready? - The Flash Season 2 Episode 15

Joe pokes Iris in the back? Is she ready for family night? It's something she might regret, as King Shark attacks them all at home base!

King Shark is Coming! - The Flash

Diggle and Lyla show up to tell Barry that King Shark has escaped from an ARGUS holding tank.

Trouble in Paradise - The Flash Season 2 Episode 14

Is there trouble in paradise? What happened to my thoughts that these two should be getting excited over the new dimension to their relationship. Keep it together West Allens!

If Looks Could Kill - The Flash Season 2 Episode 14

If looks could kill, someone might come to a frosty end at the hands of Killer Frost. Thankfully, she doesn't have eyeballs in her fingertips or hands in her eyes. Or something.

Coy - The Flash Season 2 Episode 14

Iris West-Allen looks very coy. Is she suddenly shy in the woods? What's happening here? We'll soon find out!

Turned On - The Flash Season 2 Episode 14

You cannot tell me that this E-2 couple isn't getting aroused under their new circumstances. Iris got a look at a whole new Barry, and her Barry is being shown in a different light, as well. Plus, she's trigger happy!

Channeling Deadshot - The Flash Season 2 Episode 14

Harry looks a lot like Deadshot used to look on Earth-1, what with the big gun sling hanging over his shoulder. It was really great seeing Floyd Lawton again on Earth-2, wasn't it?

Barry Two Electric Bugaloo - The Flash Season 2 Episode 14

From the way Joseph West talked about Barry from Earth-2, I expected him to be a jerk. The preview makes him out to be a lovable goofball. Is it all a put on for the visitors?

Big Gun Harry - The Flash Season 2 Episode 14

Has Harry always had such big guns, or has he been working out? Surely, I jest. Hey, don't call me Shirley. It's no time to joke when his daughter is still caged and frightened.

Flanked - The Flash Season 2 Episode 14

Frosty girlfriend just wants to get away from the yakking going on in both of her ears, so she sits down for a spell. At least that's the story I'm going with to describe this scene.

One Cisco - The Flash Season 2 Episode 14

It is with the utmost sadness that we look upon this Cisco, knowing there is only this one Cisco left upon Earth-2. Is there no justice on any world?!

Whoa There - The Flash Season 2 Episode 14

Earth-2's Iris is getting a little trigger happy on Killer Frost, who we THINK is just trying to help out. Maybe she was trying to make a sudden move with those cold hands of hers. At least when she throws her icy waves, people freeze in her wake!

The Flash Season 2 Quotes

Iris: People just want to thank man who saved Central City.
Barry: Well they can't, because that's not me. You should know that better than anyone.

Iris: Yeah, but he should go. Someone should try to get through to him.
Joe: Maybe his best friend?
Cisco: Joe, believe me. I have tried!
Joe: I meant her.