I'll Have - The Flash Season 2 Episode 16

So Trajectory was just out for a night on the town and happened to bump into the gang, and suddenly she wants the blood that Harry was giving to his daughter? Or does she want the serum from Turtle? Does Harry have any of that left?

Ungrateful - The Flash Season 2 Episode 16

Is it just me or does Jesse look rather ungrateful to be receiving a personal blood transfusion from her father? Their relationship appears strained, at best. Maybe a little more drama will help it.

Giving Blood - The Flash Season 2 Episode 16

Harry is giving his blood up so that he can share it with Jesse. Was she really so sick after being trapped so long she was in need of a transfusion?

Let. Me. Out. - The Flash Season 2 Episode 16

Um...doesn't Barry know by now that pounding on the containment cell doors does a whole lotta nothing? Well. That's what it does. Nothing.

Criminal Flash - The Flash Season 2 Episode 16

The Flash almost looks silly locked up in the holding cell created to contain his very own villains. Something is wrong here people!

Father Daughter Problems? - The Flash Season 2 Episode 16

It looks like there may be trouble with the newly reunited Wells family. Surely it can't be an issue of love, since Barry sung the praises of both to the other, right? Or did he even have the time?

Trajectory - The Flash

Allison Paige guest stars in this episode as Trajectory, the first female speedster the team encounters. We can just assume that Cisco will fall in love immediately!

Final Attempt - The Flash Season 2 Episode 15

That's it. This is the final attempt of Barry and Caitlin to thwart the unseen King Shark. Obviously they will do it. Wish we could have seen a photo of him. Guess he's too fast to catch on camera. Or something.

The Diggles - The Flash Season 2 Episode 15

John and Lyla are also standing in wait. I wonder who is watching baby Sara? At least Oliver won't know his son is kidnapped until the night after all of this goes down.

Waiting on the King - The Flash Season 2 Episode 15

Barry and Diggle just stand around waiting for something to happen. No shark, no king.

Something... - The Flash Season 2 Episode 15

Something is happening here, and I'm sure it's a lot more than Barry and Caitlin having to go to the bathroom, but it sure looks like that to me!

No Time for Games! - The Flash Season 2 Episode 15

Someone needs to tell Caitlin that with King Shark on the loose, it's really no time for games. Instead, she arrives with a giant game pad. Tsk tsk tsk.