Poor Rachel - Suits Season 5 Episode 11

Rachel has no idea what's happening with Mike. Will she stand by her man?

Donna's Looking Flawless - Suits Season 5 Episode 11

Donna always looks flawless. We really need to know what she's up to!

It's Over - Suits Season 5 Episode 11

Mike is probably feeling defeated, but we know somehow everything will work out.

This Looks Very Official - Suits Season 5 Episode 11

Mike is being quizzed about his lies, but will he own up to them?

A Life Behind Bars? - Suits Season 5 Episode 11

Mike is probably contemplating the different directions his life could go in now.

Will Jessica Curse At Harvey? - Suits Season 5 Episode 11

Harvey and Jessica are probably on shaky ground right about now and I wouldn't be surprised if she tells him to do one.

I Need A Drink - Suits Season 5 Episode 11

If Harvey Specter wants a drink, he can have one. He deserves it. Even if it's just for being awesome.

Penny For Your Thoughts - Suits Season 5 Episode 11

Donna does not look impressed. Is she worried that being part of Mike's lie will come back to haunt her?

Let's Make A Go Of It - Suits Season 5 Episode 11

That title was a joke. These two will never be able to have a relationship that works unless Harvey grows up.

Take Him Away - Suits Season 5 Episode 11

Being arrested in front of your co-workers has got to be the worst thing to happen to anyone.

I Don't Want To Fight - Suits Season 5 Episode 11

It looks like Mike is in for a tough time of it with his new cell mate. Will they ever hash it out?

Back Against The Wall - Suits Season 5 Episode 11

With his life crumbling around him, will Mike make it back to the firm?

Suits Season 5 Quotes

Mike: What about the bubble? There's no Donna in the bubble.
Rachel: Come on, there's room for Donna in the bubble.
Mike: You realize I get to sleep with whoever's in the bubble, right?
Rachel: So long as you realize that my dad's in the bubble.
Mike: Donna it is.

Rachel, you just agreed to spend the rest of your life with me. Right now, I'm pretty okay with everything.
