We'll Get Through This

Rachel and Donna are contemplating just how they can get out of this one.

Please Help Us

Harvey looks to Scottie for help as the net begins to close in.

It's Time - Suits Season 5 Episode 12

Donna looks back to her normal self in this picture. What could be about to happen?

Smile Time - Suits Season 5 Episode 12

It's odd that Rachel is looking happy even though there's been a lot of stuff going on recently.

What's Next? - Suits Season 5 Episode 12

Harvey has some sort of letter, but what does it say? Will it clear Mike?

This Could Be Awkward - Suits Season 5 Episode 12

Will Jessica cut the conversation short when Mike walks in?

Are You For Real? - Suits Season 5 Episode 12

There's no denying that Jessica is fearing that her place with the company is very much under question.

Defending His Honor - Suits Season 5 Episode 12

This courtroom scene looks very tense and we need to know like right now what's being said!

Will You Help Me? - Suits Season 5 Episode 12

Considering everyone involved will likely be caught eventually, will Mike be able to keep Harvey as a friend?

I'm Worried - Suits Season 5 Episode 12

It's not often we get to see Donna upset, but it sure looks like Mike being caught has got her scared.

Not Impressed - Suits Season 5 Episode 12

Yeah, like I said, she does not look happy. She could be going crazy at Harvey for hiring Mike in the first place.

A Tense Meeting - Suits Season 5 Episode 12

Jessica with her arms crossed is never a good sign. Might she be laying down the law again?

Suits Season 5 Quotes

The only thing I'm prepared to do is give you a chance to come to Jesus. And you're looking at her.


What he did was give Mike a chance of making something of himself.
