Why Is Jughead Upset? - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 8

FP being released and back in town should be a happy occasion. The worried expression is not a good sign.

A New Beginning - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 8

With FP back in town, and Betty taking a stand against The Black Hood, Bughead is taking a fresh start in their relationship.

New Role - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 8

FP has a new role in Riverdale, but the others won't let him forget his forget. Cheryl is going to milk this torment for as much as she can.

A Better Future - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 8

FP doesn't want Jughead to fall into the same trap he did. He doesn't want his son to be in a gang. Now that FP is back, Jughead could be free of the gang life.

Bughead Reunited - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 8

The troubles of the past seem to be over for Bughead. The two have reunited and the look stronger than ever.

The Killer's Muse - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 8

The Black Hood has called on the Reckoning to soon befall Riverdale. Betty threatened that she will find him. But with her focusing on FP's party, will the killer still strike against her?

Welcoming Back A Frenemy - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 8

Alice may not like Jughead, FP or anyone from the Southside, but she loves her daughter. She will stand be her side and welcome back FP.

Welcome Home Party - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 8

Jughead and Betty plan to throw a welcome home party when they hear FP is being released.

FP's Home - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 8

The infamous Southside Serpent leader has been set free from jail. He's back home to be with Jughead. But will he assume leadership now that he's returned?

A Mother's Disapproval - Riverdale

Alice shed her former Southside Serpent image for her new life on the Northside However, even with time away, the past isn't so easily forgotten.

Date Denied - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 7

Chuck Clayton is back at it again; however, this time he's hoping to date the lead singer of Josie and the Pussycats.

Penny Peabody - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 7

The sketchy Southside Serpent lawyer is back. What favor could she be calling in this time?

Riverdale Season 2 Quotes

Hermione: So, because you’re so determined to paint your father as a villain, you assume he must have put a hit on Fred Andrews? Do you?
Veronica: Not him. You. I don’t think you’re an innocent pawn, Mom. I think you’re Daddy’s eyes and ears on the ground calling the shots.
Hermione: You genuinely believe that?
Veronica: If the Manolo Blahnik fits.
[Hermione gets up]
Hermione: Miha, your disrespect will no longer be tolerated. Not by me and certainly not by her father when he comes home. So word of advice: get back in line with this family. Because you are a Lodge before anything else.
[She learns forward]
Hermione: I should slap you for what you’re insinuating, but I’m not a violent person.

Betty: Well, if it was just some rando robbing Pop’s, then he probably took the money and then got rid of the wallet.
Jughead: Unless it wasn’t just some rando? Unless it was premeditated in some way?
Veronica: What? Is that an actual theory?
Jughead: According to Sheriff Keller, if you ask me. People have grudges, people have enemies. I mean, think of where we live. Fathers are killing their sons. It’s clearly conceivable this was a hit.
Betty: Okay, or the wallet is just at Pop’s? So, we’ll check it out, V.