The Wrestling Team - Riverdale

Archie tries out for the wrestling team to get closer to Hiram on Riverdale. "Chapter Twenty-Four: The Wrestler" is the 11th episode of the show's second season.

On Board With the Plan - Riverdale

Veronica ensures Hiram and Hermoine that she's still on board with their plans for SoDale on Riverdale. "Chapter Twenty-Three: The Blackboard Jungle" is the tenth episode of the show's second season.

Scared And Afraid - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 3

Polly is afraid that she'll become the next target of The Black Hood. Her only course of action: Leaving Riverdale until the killer is captured.

The Best Gift - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 9

Archie has found the perfect gift for Betty. But is there more to this sweet gift than meets the eye?

Holiday Spirit - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 9

Cheryl isn't feeling merry or cherry during the holidays. She just wants it all to be done with.

Secret Santa - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 9

The group of friends at Riverdale High are playing a fun game of Secret Santa. What gifts will be given around?

Lingering Gifts - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 9

Veronica and Archie are trying to stay friends after their breakup. She has a gift to give him for the holidays.

Jughead's Laptop - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 9

Jughead is going back to basics: He's whipping out the familiar laptop to start writing his next piece.

The Perfect Tree - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 9

Archie is getting into the action by bringing in the best Christmas tree.

Tree Trimming - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 9

It's time to get in the holiday spirit, and Kevin looks to be having a good time.

A Dangerous Showdown - Riverdale

Archie faces a dangerous showdown on Riverdale. "Chapter Twenty-Two: Silent Night, Deadly Night" is the ninth episode of the show's second season.

Trouble In Paradise - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 8

The "Varchie" relationship might be hitting a rough waters. They may be focusing on The Black Hood investigation, but it won't hide the real life issues heading their way.

Riverdale Season 2 Quotes

Hermione: So, because you’re so determined to paint your father as a villain, you assume he must have put a hit on Fred Andrews? Do you?
Veronica: Not him. You. I don’t think you’re an innocent pawn, Mom. I think you’re Daddy’s eyes and ears on the ground calling the shots.
Hermione: You genuinely believe that?
Veronica: If the Manolo Blahnik fits.
[Hermione gets up]
Hermione: Miha, your disrespect will no longer be tolerated. Not by me and certainly not by her father when he comes home. So word of advice: get back in line with this family. Because you are a Lodge before anything else.
[She learns forward]
Hermione: I should slap you for what you’re insinuating, but I’m not a violent person.

Betty: Well, if it was just some rando robbing Pop’s, then he probably took the money and then got rid of the wallet.
Jughead: Unless it wasn’t just some rando? Unless it was premeditated in some way?
Veronica: What? Is that an actual theory?
Jughead: According to Sheriff Keller, if you ask me. People have grudges, people have enemies. I mean, think of where we live. Fathers are killing their sons. It’s clearly conceivable this was a hit.
Betty: Okay, or the wallet is just at Pop’s? So, we’ll check it out, V.