Money, Money, Money - Gotham Season 3 Episode 16

Barbara got a was of bills and it's music to her ears. Where did she get it and who is in her office with her?

Bullock Contemplates - Gotham Season 3 Episode 16

Bullock looks like he's contemplating some aspect of life. Is he enjoying being Captain of the GCPD or would he rather be in the field with Jim or maybe Lucius?

I'm Telling You - Gotham Season 3 Episode 16

Bullock looks like he's reading someone the riot act. Is he yelling at Jim for returning to the GCPD too soon?

Jim Knocked Around - Gotham Season 3 Episode 16

It looks like Jim got popped on the side of the head. Did Lee come at him again?

Catherine Close Up - Gotham Season 3 Episode 16

Catherine seems to be the brains behind the Court of Owls, but what is her end game?

Frank Dons His Mask - Gotham Season 3 Episode 16

It's kind of goofy that the members of the Court of Owls wear masks when they convene. Don't they already know who is all in their group?

Frank - Gotham Season 3 Episode 16

Frank faces the Court of Owls. Is he updating them on Jim's decision? What will happen if Jim refuses to join the Court?

Catherine - Gotham Season 3 Episode 16

Catherine and the Court of Owls have great plans for the future of Gotham, but how does Jim Bruce fit in their plans?

Lee and Bullock - Gotham Season 3

Has Lee finally lost her mind? She looks a little crazy here with Bullock.

Bruce Looks Strange - Gotham Season 3

Bruce doesn't look the same here. My bet is that it's Doppelganger Bruce. What is he up to now?

Fish Mooney Returns...Again! - Gotham Season 3

Fish Mooney has returned to Gotham once again. She obviously did not take Penguin's advice to heart.

Cat is Dead - Gotham Season 3

Cat looks like she had a great fall, but is she really dead? We hope not!

Gotham Season 3 Quotes

This isn't the first time a bounty hunter has apprehended an excapee. Is the GCPD incapable of handling this threat themselves?

Valerie Vale

Any chance you want to go quietly?
