Jim Contemplates - Gotham Season 3 Episode 17

Jim has a lot to think about considering everything he's learned from his uncle. Will he choose to join forces with the Court of Owls? Does he have a choice?

Barbara Meets The Riddler - Gotham Season 3 Episode 17

It seems that The Riddler has decided to visit Barbara first. At least that's what we're guessing. How will she react to her new threat? Will she laugh at his costume?

In the Car - Gotham Season 3 Episode 17

The Riddler does not look very happy right now. Has he been caught by the GCPD or is he still talking to Lucius?

Meet The Riddler - Gotham Season 3 Episode 17

The Riddler is making the rounds around Gotham to introduce himself to Gotham's underworld. How will Barbara react to the new Edward Nygma?

Not Thrilled - Gotham Season 3 Episode 17

Ivy doesn't look too thrilled to be in a place that is freezing cold. How soon before we can start calling her Poison Ivy?

Into the Lair - Gotham Season 3 Episode 17

Penguin and Ivy arrive at Mr. Freeze's compound. How did they find him and where did they get those awesome coats?

Shocked - Gotham Season 3 Episode 17

Penguin looks shocked at what he's found. What could he possibly want from Mr. Freeze?

He's Back - Gotham Season 3 Episode 17

Mr. Freeze is looking mighty cold here. And he doesn't look happy either. Is he going to kill Penguin and Ivy?

Becoming Batman - Gotham Season 3 Episode 16

Bruce may not understand his role, but he'll learn soon enough. Will he be willing to take on the persona he's meant to become?

Bruce Awaits- Gotham Season 3 Episode 16

Bruce looks ready to attack the Shaman as he enters Bruce's cell. Will Bruce be successful in his attempts to bring the Shaman down?

The Shaman - Gotham Season 3 Episode 16

The Shaman sits to contemplate how he's going to guide Bruce to his destiny as Gotham's savior.

On the Phone - Gotham Season 3 Episode 16

Barbara looks to be enjoying a telephone conversation. Is she talking to Penguin or some other devious villain?

Gotham Season 3 Quotes

This isn't the first time a bounty hunter has apprehended an excapee. Is the GCPD incapable of handling this threat themselves?

Valerie Vale

Any chance you want to go quietly?
